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ABS_AGENT_ACTION - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_AGGREGATE - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_CONCEPT - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_CONCEPT_SLOT_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_CONTENT_ELEMENT_LIST - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_EXTENDED_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
ABS_IRE - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_PREDICATE - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
ABS_VARIABLE - Static variable in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
AbsAgentAction - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold an agent action expression.
AbsAgentAction(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsAgentAction
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold an agent action of the proper type, e.g.
AbsAggregate - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold an aggregate entitiy expression.
AbsAggregate(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold an aggregate of the proper type (i.e.
AbsConcept - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a concept expression.
AbsConcept(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsConcept
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a concept of the proper type (e.g.
AbsConceptSlotFunction - Class in jade.content.abs
AbsConceptSlotFunction(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsConceptSlotFunction
AbsContentElement - Interface in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a generic content element expression.
AbsContentElementList - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a list of generic content element expressions.
AbsContentElementList() - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a content element list
AbsExtendedPrimitive - Class in jade.content.abs
An extended abstract descriptor that can hold a generic primitive types (eg. java.math.BigDecimal) not supported by AbsPrimitive.
AbsExtendedPrimitive(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a extended-primitive of the proper type (e.g. java.math.BigInteger...).
AbsIRE - Class in jade.content.abs
An Abstract descriptor that can hold an Identifying Referential Expression (IRE).
AbsIRE(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a IRE of the proper type (e.g.
AbsObject - Interface in jade.content.abs
The common ancestor of all abstract descriptors
AbsObjectImpl - Class in jade.content.abs
Base class for all non-primitive abstract descriptor classes.
AbsObjectImpl(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold an object of the proper type.
AbsoluteCounterValueProvider - Class in jade.core.sam
AbsoluteCounterValueProvider() - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.AbsoluteCounterValueProvider
AbsPredicate - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a predicate expression.
AbsPredicate(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsPredicate
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a predicate of the proper type (e.g.
AbsPrimitive - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a primitive expression.
AbsPrimitive(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a primitive of the proper type (e.g.
AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder - Class in jade.content.abs
This class is not intended to be used by programmers.
AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold an object of the proper type.
AbsTerm - Interface in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a term expression.
AbsVariable - Class in jade.content.abs
An abstract descriptor that can hold a variable expression, i.e. an entity that is not known yet.
AbsVariable() - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
Construct an Abstract descriptor to hold a variable
AbsVariable(String, String) - Constructor for class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
Construct an AbsVariable with the given name and value type
accept(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
Suclasses may redefine this method to prevent the behaviour loading operation under specific conditions.
accept(VerticalCommand) - Method in class jade.core.Filter
Process a command before it is processed by successive filters in the filter-chain.
accept(HorizontalCommand) - Method in interface jade.core.Node
Accepts a command.
ACCEPT_FOREIGN_AGENTS - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value (true or false) indicates whether or not this platform accepts foreign agents i.e.
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last received ACCEPT_PROPOSAL ACLMessage
ACCEPTANCE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object passed in the constructor of the class.
acceptNewAgent(String, Agent) - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Add an Agent to this container.
AccessControlList - Class in jade.util
An ACL object represents an Access Control List and wraps a White list and a Black list, Both lists make use of regular expressions for allowing/denying access to a certain resource.
AccessControlList() - Constructor for class jade.util.AccessControlList
AchieveREInitiator - Class in jade.proto
This is a single homogeneous and effective implementation of all the FIPA-Request-like interaction protocols defined by FIPA, that is all those protocols where the initiator sends a single message (i.e. it performs a single communicative act) within the scope of an interaction protocol in order to verify if the RE (Rational Effect) of the communicative act has been achieved or not.
AchieveREInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage) - Constructor for class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
Construct an AchieveREInitiator with an empty DataStore
AchieveREInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
Construct an AchieveREInitiator with a given DataStore
AchieveREResponder - Class in jade.proto
This is a single homogeneous and effective implementation of all the FIPA-Request-like interaction protocols defined by FIPA, that is all those protocols where the initiator sends a single message (i.e. it performs a single communicative act) within the scope of an interaction protocol in order to verify if the RE (Rational Effect) of the communicative act has been achieved or not.
AchieveREResponder(Agent, MessageTemplate) - Constructor for class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
Constructor of the behaviour that creates a new empty DataStore
AchieveREResponder(Agent, MessageTemplate, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
ACLCodec - Interface in jade.lang.acl
Abstract interface for converting ACL messages back and forth between Java objects and raw byte sequences, according to a FIPA ACL message representation.
ACLCodec.CodecException - Exception in jade.lang.acl
This exception is thrown when some problem occurs in the concrete parsing subsystem accessed through this interface.
ACLCODECS - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value contains the list of ACLCODECSs that have to be launched at bootstrap time.
ACLMESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ACLMessage - Class in jade.lang.acl
The class ACLMessage implements an ACL message compliant to the FIPA 2000 "FIPA ACL Message Structure Specification" (fipa000061) specifications.
ACLMessage() - Constructor for class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Since every ACL Message must have a message type, you should use the new constructor which gets a message type as a parameter. To avoid problems, now this constructor silently sets the message type to not-understood.
ACLMessage(int) - Constructor for class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
This constructor creates an ACL message object with the specified performative.
ACLMESSAGE_ACLREPRESENTATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ACLMESSAGE_ENVELOPE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ACLMESSAGE_PAYLOAD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ACLMSG - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_BYTE_SEQUENCE_CONTENT - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_CONTENT - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_ENCODING - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_IN_REPLY_TO - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_ONTOLOGY - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_PERFORMATIVE - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_RECEIVERS - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_REPLY_BY - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_REPLY_TO - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_REPLY_WITH - Static variable in interface
ACLMSG_SENDER - Static variable in interface
acquireLocalAgent(AID) - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
ACTION - Static variable in interface
Action - Class in jade.content.onto.basic
This class implements the action operator of the FIPA SL0 action.
Action() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Action
Action(AID, Concept) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Action
action - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Runs the behaviour.
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
Executes this CompositeBehaviour.
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
The action() method is redefined to serve behaviour loading requests
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
action() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
action() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
action() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
action() - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
action() - Method in class jade.proto.SSResponderDispatcher
action() - Method in class jade.proto.states.ReplySender
action() - Method in class jade.proto.states.StateResetter
action() - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayBehaviour
ACTION_ACTION - Static variable in interface
ACTION_ACTOR - Static variable in interface
ACTION_ALTERNATIVE - Static variable in interface
ACTION_ALTERNATIVE_FIRST - Static variable in interface
ACTION_ALTERNATIVE_SECOND - Static variable in interface
ACTION_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface
ACTION_SEQUENCE_FIRST - Static variable in interface
ACTION_SEQUENCE_SECOND - Static variable in interface
ActionExecutor<ActionT extends AgentAction,ResultT> - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Base class for behaviours intended to request the execution of an action to a given actor and get back the result (if any)
ActionExecutor(ActionT, Ontology, AID) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
activate() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Triggers a state transition from SUSPENDED to ACTIVE.
ACTIVE - Static variable in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
String constant for the active agent life-cycle state.
actor - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
add(AbsTerm) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Adds a new element (that must be a term) to this aggregate.
add(AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Add a new element (that must be a content element) to this content element list.
add(ContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Adds a new element (that must be a content element) to this content element list.
add(Class) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Adds to the ontology the schema built from the class clazz.
add(String) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Adds all the ontological beans (the ones which implement either Concept or Predicate) found in the specified package.
add(Class, boolean) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Adds to the ontology the schema built from the class clazz.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Adds all the ontological beans (the ones which implement either Concept or Predicate) found in the specified package.
add(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Adds a schema to this ontology
add(ObjectSchema, Class) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Adds a schema to the ontology and associates it to the class javaClass
add(String, PredicateSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
Add a mandatory slot of type PredicateSchema to this schema.
add(String, PredicateSchema, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
Add a slot of type PredicateSchema to this schema.
add(String, TermSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Add a mandatory slot to the schema.
add(String, TermSchema, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Add a slot to the schema.
add(String, TermSchema, int, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Add a slot with cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema.
add(String, TermSchema, int, int, String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Add a slot with cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema and allow specifying the type of Aggregate to be used for this slot.
add(String, ObjectSchema, int, int, String, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Add a slot with optionality and cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema and allow specifying the type of Aggregate to be used for this slot.
add(String, ObjectSchema, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Add a slot to the schema.
add(String, ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Add a mandatory slot to the schema.
add(String, ObjectSchema, int, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Add a slot with cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema.
add(String, ObjectSchema, int, int, String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Add a slot with cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema and allow specifying the type of Aggregate to be used for this slot.
add(String, ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Add a mandatory slot to this schema.
add(String, ObjectSchema, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Add a slot to this schema.
add(String, TermSchema, int, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Add a slot with cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema.
add(String, TermSchema, int, int, String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Add a slot with cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema and allow specifying the type of Aggregate to be used for this slot.
add(String, ObjectSchema, int, int, String, int) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Add a slot with optionality and cardinality between cardMin and cardMax to this schema and allow specifying the type of Aggregate to be used for this slot.
add(Class, URL) - Method in interface jade.util.ClassFinderListener
add(int, Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list
add(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
add(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Collection
Adds an element.
add(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
add(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
add(int, Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list
add(int, Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.List
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list
add(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Inserts the element before the current element.
add(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.SortedSetImpl
addAddresses(String) - Method in class jade.core.AID
This method permits to add a transport address where the agent can be contacted.
addAddresses(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Add a service to the addresses slot collection of this object.
addAlias(String, String) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This protected method allows subclasses to define their own naming schemes, by adding aliases for existing slice names.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
addAPServices(APService) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APDescription
Add a service to the ap-services slot collection of this object.
addArguments(Object) - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
Add an object to the arguments slot collection of this object.
addBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method adds a new behaviour to the agent.
addBehaviour(Behaviour, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
Add a loaded behaviour to the agent.
addBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SSResponderDispatcher
addCounterValueProvider(String, CounterValueProvider) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMHelper
Register a provider to get values of a given counter
ADDEDBEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ADDEDBEHAVIOUR_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ADDEDBEHAVIOUR_BEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
AddedContainer - Class in jade.domain.introspection
This class represents the added-container concept in the jade-introspection ontology.
AddedContainer() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.AddedContainer
Default constructor.
ADDEDCONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ADDEDCONTAINER_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ADDEDCONTAINER_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
AddedMTP - Class in jade.domain.introspection
This class represents the added-mtp concept in the jade-introspection ontology.
AddedMTP() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.AddedMTP
Default constructor.
ADDEDMTP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ADDEDMTP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ADDEDMTP_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
addEntityMeasureProvider(String, MeasureProvider) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMHelper
Register a provider of measures for a given entity
addEntityMeasureProvider(String, AverageMeasureProvider) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMHelper
Register a provider of average measures for a given entity
addFacet(String, Facet) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Add a Facet on a slot of this schema
addFacet(String, Facet) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Add a Facet on a slot of this schema
addFacet(String, Facet) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Add a Facet on a slot of this schema
addFirst(ACLMessage) - Method in interface jade.core.MessageQueue
Add a message to the front of this queue.
addFirst(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
Inserts the given element at the beginning of this list.
addFromReader(Reader) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Add properties from Reader.
addHandler(SAMInfoHandler, boolean) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMHelper
Register a new handler for SAM information collected in the Main Container.
addIntendedReceiver(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Add an agent identifier to the intended-receiver slot collection of this object.
addLanguages(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Add a content language name to the languages slot collection of this object.
addLanguages(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Add a content language name to the languages slot collection of this object.
addLast(ACLMessage) - Method in interface jade.core.MessageQueue
Add a message to the end of this queue.
addLast(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
Appends the given element to the end of this list.
addListener(FEListener) - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
Add a listener that will be notified about Front-End relevant events such as BORN_AGENT and DEAD_AGENT
NOT available in MIDP
addListener(GatewayListener) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
addListener(GatewayListener) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
addOntologies(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Add an ontology name to the ontologies slot collection of this object.
addOntologies(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Add an ontology name to the ontologies slot collection of this object.
addParam(Object) - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
Add a new parameter to this command object.
addParameter(Object) - Method in class jade.util.Event
Add a parameter to this Event object
addParent(AID, DFAgentDescription) - Method in class jade.domain.df
This method can be used to add a parent (a DF this DF is federated with).
addPerformativeRequiringReply(int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
If an unexpected error occurs in one of the serving methods or if a suitable serving method is not found for an incoming message, the OntologyServer automatically sends back a FAILURE or REFUSE message if the incoming performative was one of REQUEST, CFP, PROPOSE, QUERY, SUBSCRIBE, PROXY and PROPAGATE.
addPlatformListener(PlatformController.Listener) - Method in class jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
addPlatformListener(PlatformController.Listener) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Add a platform listener.
addProperties(Property) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Add a property to the properties slot collection of this object.
addProperties(Property) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Add a property to the properties slot collection of this object.
addProperties(String[]) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Add to this Properties object the stringified properties included in a given array.
addProperty(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Add to this Properties object a stringified property of the form key = value or -key
addProtocols(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Add a protocol name to the protocols slot collection of this object.
addProtocols(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Add a protocol name to the protocols slot collection of this object.
addReceiver(AID) - Method in class jade.content.OntoACLMessage
This method is redefined so that the receiver AID is automatically wrapped into an OntoAID
addReceiver(AID) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Adds a value to :receiver slot.
addReplyTo(AID) - Method in class jade.content.OntoACLMessage
This method is redefined so that the replyTo AID is automatically wrapped into an OntoAID
addReplyTo(AID) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Adds a value to :reply-to slot.
addResolvers(AID) - Method in class jade.content.OntoAID
This method is redefined so that resolvers AID are automatically wrapped into OntoAIDs
addResolvers(AID) - Method in class jade.core.AID
This method permits to add the AID of a resolver (an agent where name resolution services for the agent can be contacted)
addSample(Number) - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
addSample(int) - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
addSample(long) - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
addSample(float) - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
addSample(double) - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
addServices(ServiceDescription) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Add a service description to the service slot collection of this object.
addStamp(ReceivedObject) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Add a received-object stamp to this message envelope.
addSubBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Add a sub behaviour to this ParallelBehaviour
addSubBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Add a sub behaviour to this SequentialBehaviour
addSuperSchema(ConceptSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Adds a super-schema to this schema.
addSuperSchema(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Add a super schema tho this schema, i.e. this schema will inherit all characteristics from the super schema
addSuperSchema(PredicateSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Adds a super-schema to this schema.
addTo(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Add an agent identifier to the to slot collection of this object.
addUserDefinedParameter(String, String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Add a new user defined parameter to this ACLMessage.
addUserDefinedSlot(String, String) - Method in class jade.core.AID
To add a user defined slot (a pair key, value).
adjustAgentName(String, String[]) - Static method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementOntology
This method allows to replace wildcards with a set of defined values.
adjustPrimitiveValue(Object, Class) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
Convert, if possible, the numeric value srcValue into an instance of destClass
adjustReply(Agent, ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Static method in class jade.proto.states.ReplySender
Adjust all protocol fields and receivers in a reply to a given message.
ADOPTED_NODE - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a node that was monitored by a Main container replica is adopted (i.e. the local Main container starts monitoring it)
afterClone() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Actions to perform after cloning.
afterFirstNotification(DFAgentDescription[]) - Method in class jade.domain.DFSubscriber
afterMove() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Actions to perform after moving.
afterReply(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedContractNetResponder
Agent - Class in jade.core
The Agent class is the common superclass for user defined software agents.
Agent() - Constructor for class jade.core.Agent
Default constructor.
Agent.Interrupted - Error in jade.core
Inner class Interrupted.
AGENT_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class jade.core.AID
Key to retrieve the agent class name as a user defined slot of the AID included in the AMSAgentDescription registered with the AMS.
AGENT_TAG - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value will substitute the %A wildcard in names of all agents that will start in the local container.
AGENT_TAG_WILDCARD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
AgentAction - Interface in jade.content
Generic interface to be implemented by classes associated to agent actions in an ontology.
AgentActionSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
The class to be used to define schemas of agent actions in an ontology.
AgentActionSchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
Creates an AgentActionSchema with a given type-name.
AgentContainer - Interface in jade.core
This interface represents the local container as it is seen by JADE kernel level services installed in the underlying Node
AgentContainer - Class in jade.wrapper
This class is maintained for backward compatibility only.
AgentContainer(ContainerProxy, AgentContainer, String) - Constructor for class jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
AgentController - Interface in jade.wrapper
This interface is a Proxy, allowing access to a JADE agent.
agentNames() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
AGENTS - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value contains the list of agents that have to be launched at bootstrap time
AGENTS_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
The configuration property key that maps to the list of agents that have to be activated at boostrap.
AGENTSTATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
AgentState - Class in jade.wrapper
Provides a concrete implementation of the State interface for agents.
AGENTSTATE_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
AggregateResult - Annotation Type in jade.content.onto.annotations
Indicates the aggregate result of an action, allowing at the same time to specify its cardMin (minimum cardinality), cardMax (maximum cardinality) and type (class of the contained elements).
AggregateSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
This class represent the schema of aggregate entities in an ontology.
AggregateSchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
Creates an AggregateSchema with a given type-name.
AggregateSchema(String, TermSchema) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
Creates an AggregateSchema with a given type-name.
AggregateSlot - Annotation Type in jade.content.onto.annotations
Allows to specify in the ontological schema the cardMin (minimum cardinality), cardMax (maximum cardinality) and type (class of the contained elements) attributes of the aggregate slot.
AGREE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
AID - Static variable in interface
AID - Class in jade.core
This class represents a JADE Agent Identifier.
AID() - Constructor for class jade.core.AID
Constructs an Agent-Identifier whose slot name is set to an empty string
AID(String) - Constructor for class jade.core.AID
This constructor might generate a wrong AID, if the passed parameter is not a guid (globally unique identifier), but the local name of an agent (e.g. "da0").
AID(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jade.core.AID
Constructor for an Agent-identifier
AID_ADDRESSES - Static variable in interface
AID_NAME - Static variable in interface
AID_RESOLVERS - Static variable in interface
ALL - Static variable in interface
ALL - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
ALL indicates that all messages should be logged.
ALL_ACCEPTANCES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACCEPT/REJECT_PROPOSAL ACLMessage objects that have to be sent
ALL_ACCEPTANCES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACCEPT_PROPOSAL or REJECT_PROPOSAL messages that have to be sent.
ALL_CFPS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of CFP ACLMessage objects that have to be sent.
ALL_CFPS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of CFP messages that have to be sent.
ALL_CONFIRM - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
ALL_CONFIRM_OR_INFORM - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
ALL_CONFIRMS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of CONFIRM messages that have been received as response.
ALL_DISCONFIRMS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of DISCONFIRM messages that have been received as response.
ALL_DUMP_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.BaseService
ALL_INFORMS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of INFORM messages that have been received as response.
ALL_INFORMS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of INFORM messages that have been received as response.
ALL_INITIATIONS_K - Variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of PROPOSE ACLMessage objects that have to be sent.
ALL_NEXT_REQUESTS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that will be sent at next round.
ALL_PENDINGS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of CFP messages for which a response has not been received yet.
ALL_PENDINGS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of QUERY_IF messages for which a response has not been received yet.
ALL_PENDINGS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACCEPT_PROPOSAL or REJECT_PROPOSAL messages for which a response has not been received yet.
ALL_PROPOSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of PROPOSE messages that have been received as response.
ALL_QUERYIFS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of QUERY_IF messages that have to be sent.
ALL_REQUESTS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been sent.
ALL_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been received as response.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been received as response.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been received as responses.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
key to retrive all the responses received.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been received as responses.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of all messages that have been received as response.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of all messages that have been received as response.
ALL_RESPONSES_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the Vector of all messages that have been received as response.
ALL_RESPONSES_RECEIVED - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been received as result notifications.
ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of ACLMessage objects that have been received as result notifications.
ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
key to retrive the result notification received.
ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the vector of subscription ACLMessage objects that have been sent.
AlreadyRegistered - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
AlreadyRegistered() - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AlreadyRegistered
ALREADYREGISTERED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ALREADYREGISTERED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
AMS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames
AMS_CANCELLATION - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
AMS_FAILURE_AGENT_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS failure reasons
AMS_FAILURE_AGENT_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS_FAILURE_FOREIGN_AGENT_NO_ADDRESS - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS_FAILURE_FOREIGN_AGENT_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS_FAILURE_SERVICE_ERROR - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS_FAILURE_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS_FAILURE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
AMS_SUBSCRIPTION - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
AMSAgentDescription - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the concept of the fipa-agent-management ontology representing the description of an Agent in the AMS catalogue.
AMSAgentDescription() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
Default constructor.
AMSAGENTDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
AMSAGENTDESCRIPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
AMSAGENTDESCRIPTION_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
AMSAGENTDESCRIPTION_STATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
AMSService - Class in jade.domain
This class provides a set of static methods to communicate with a AMS Service that complies with FIPA specifications.
AMSService() - Constructor for class jade.domain.AMSService
Default constructor.
AMSSubscriber - Class in jade.domain.introspection
This behaviour subscribes to the AMS to receive notifications about platform-wide events.
AMSSubscriber() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
Construct an AMSSubscriber behaviour to receive notifications about platform events from the local AMS
AMSSubscriber(AID) - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
Construct an AMSSubscriber behaviour to receive notifications about platform events from the AMS of a remote platform.
AMSSubscriber.EventHandler - Interface in jade.domain.introspection
This interface must be implemented by concrete event handlers installed by this AMSSubscriber.
AND - Static variable in interface
and(MessageTemplate, MessageTemplate) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
Logical and between two MessageTemplate objects.
AND_LEFT - Static variable in interface
AND_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
ANY - Static variable in interface
APDescription - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the concept of the fipa-agent-management ontology representing the description of an agent platform as it can be retrieved from the AMS.
APDescription() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APDescription
Default constructor.
APDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
APDESCRIPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APDESCRIPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
APDESCRIPTION_SERVICES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APDESCRIPTION_SERVICES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
appendACLExpression(StringBuffer, String, String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
append to the passed StringBuffer the slot name and value separated by a blank char and followed by a newline.
AppletBoot - Class in jade
This class handles JADE start-up and shut-down when running JADE as an Applet.
AppletBoot() - Constructor for class jade.AppletBoot
apply() - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
apply(Concept) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
APService - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the concept of the fipa-agent-management ontology representing the description of a platform service.
APService() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Default constructor.
APService(String, String[]) - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
APSERVICE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APSERVICE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
APSERVICE_ADDRESSES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APSERVICE_ADDRESSES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
APSERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APSERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
APSERVICE_TYPE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
APSERVICE_TYPE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ArrayList - Class in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.ArrayList&qote; class.
ArrayList() - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
Default Constructor, creates an empty List
ArrayList(int) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
Constructor specifying list size
ArrayList(ArrayList) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
Constructs an ArrayList from a java.util.ArrayList.
associate(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.util.InputQueue
Associate this InputQueue object with the indicated Behaviour so that it will be restarted each time a new object is inserted.
ASYNC - Static variable in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Constant representing an asynchronous rendez-vous policy.
AUX_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
AverageMeasure - Class in jade.core.sam
The class used by the System Activity Monitoring (SAM) Service to represent an aggregated measure i.e. a measure that is calculated aggregating several samples.
AverageMeasure() - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasure
AverageMeasure(double, int) - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasure
AverageMeasureProvider - Interface in jade.core.sam
A Provider of average measures for a given entity
AverageMeasureProviderImpl - Class in jade.core.sam
A default ready-made implementation of the AverageMeasureProvider interface that offers methods to add measure samples and automatically computes an AverageMeasure when the getValue() method is called.
AverageMeasureProviderImpl() - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
AVG_AGGREGATION - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
AVG_AGGREGATION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
AVG_AGGREGATION_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo


BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementListSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.PrimitiveSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.TermSchema
BASE_NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.VariableSchema
BaseInitiator - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Base class for behaviours implementing a FIPA-request like pattern with a single target agent.
BaseInitiator() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
BaseInitiator(OutcomeManager) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
baseSchema - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
BaseService - Class in jade.core
The BaseService abstract class partially implements the Service interface, providing a simple and uniform mechanism for slice management and service discovery.
BaseService() - Constructor for class jade.core.BaseService
BasicOntology - Class in jade.content.onto
This class implements an ontology containing schemas for Primitive types and SL0 operators i.e. basic ontological elements required for minimal agent interaction.
BCReflectiveIntrospector - Class in jade.content.onto
Backward Compatible reflective introspector.
BCReflectiveIntrospector() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.BCReflectiveIntrospector
BeanOntology - Class in jade.content.onto
Extension of Ontology that allows to build the ontological elements adding directly the classes of the corresponding JavaBeans.
BeanOntology(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Create an Ontology with the given name.
BeanOntology(String, Ontology) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Create an Ontology with the given name that extends the ontology base, which must have BasicOntology in its hierarchy.
BeanOntology(String, Ontology[]) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.BeanOntology
Create an Ontology with the given name that extends the base set of ontologies.
BeanOntologyException - Exception in jade.content.onto
This class is used for reporting exceptions when adding beans to a BeanOntology.
BeanOntologyException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.content.onto.BeanOntologyException
BeanOntologyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.content.onto.BeanOntologyException
beforeClone() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This empty placeholder method shall be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions before copying an agent to another agent container.
beforeMove() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This empty placeholder shall be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions before the original agent instance on the source container is stopped (e.g. releasing local resources such as a GUI).
beforeReply(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedContractNetResponder
Behaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Abstract base class for JADE behaviours.
Behaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Default constructor.
Behaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Constructor with owner agent.
BEHAVIOURID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BEHAVIOURID_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BEHAVIOURID_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BEHAVIOURID_CODE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BEHAVIOURID_KIND - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BEHAVIOURID_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BehaviourLoadingOntology - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the BehaviourLoading ontology including the concepts and actions required to dynamically load and execute jade behaviours whose code is not included in the JVM classpath.
BehaviourLoadingVocabulary - Interface in jade.domain.mobility
This interface contains all the string constants for concepts and slot names defined in the Behaviour-Loading ontology.
BELIEF - Static variable in interface
BELIEF_AGENT - Static variable in interface
BELIEF_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
BITEFFICIENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.ACLCodec
Syntactic representation of ACL in bit-efficient form
block() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Blocks this behaviour.
block(long) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Blocks this behaviour for a specified amount of time.
blockingReceive() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue.
blockingReceive(long) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue, waiting at most a specified amount of time.
blockingReceive(MessageTemplate) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Receives an ACL message matching a given message template.
blockingReceive(MessageTemplate, long) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Receives an ACL message matching a given message template, waiting at most a specified time.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
Boot - Class in jade
Boots the JADE system, parsing command line arguments.
Boot() - Constructor for class jade.Boot
Default constructor.
boot(Profile) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
boot(Profile) - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
boot(Profile) - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Performs the active initialization step of a kernel-level service.
bootProps - Variable in class jade.core.ProfileImpl
BORN_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
String constant for the name of the born-agent event.
BornAgent - Class in jade.domain.introspection
An introspection event, recording the birth of a new agent within the platform.
BornAgent() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
Default constructor.
BORNAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
bornAgent(PlatformEvent) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController.Listener
Called when an agent is born.
BORNAGENT_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BORNAGENT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BORNAGENT_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BORNAGENT_STATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
BORNAGENT_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
broadcast(HorizontalCommand, boolean) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
BYTE_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
ByteArrayCodec - Class in jade.content.lang
Base class for content language codecs that transform AbsContentElements to/from sequences of bytes
ByteArrayCodec(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.lang.ByteArrayCodec
Construct a ByteArrayCodec object with the given name


cAGENT_STATE_ACTIVE - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
cAGENT_STATE_DELETED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
cAGENT_STATE_IDLE - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
cAGENT_STATE_INITIATED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
cAGENT_STATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
cAGENT_STATE_TRANSIT - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
cAGENT_STATE_WAITING - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
Callback<Result> - Interface in jade.util
cancel() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
CANCEL - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
cancel(AID, boolean) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
Cancel the subscription to agent receiver.
CANCEL_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last received CANCEL ACLMessage
CANCEL_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent by the initiator to cancel a subscription.
cancellationCompleted(AID) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method should be called when the notification of a successful subscription cancellation is received from agent receiver to terminate the session with him.
CardinalityFacet - Class in jade.content.schema.facets
This facet forces an AbsAggregate to contain a number of elements that is comprised between a given min and a given max.
CardinalityFacet(int, int) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.facets.CardinalityFacet
Construct a CardinalityFacet that forces the number of elements in an AbsAggregate to be within a given range
CFP - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
CFP_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object passed in the constructor of the class.
CFP_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last received CFP ACLMessage
CFP_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object passed in the constructor of the class.
CFReflectiveIntrospector - Class in jade.content.onto
CFReflectiveIntrospector() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.CFReflectiveIntrospector
CHANGEDAGENTOWNERSHIP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTOWNERSHIP_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTOWNERSHIP_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTOWNERSHIP_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTOWNERSHIP_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTSTATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTSTATE_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTSTATE_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDAGENTSTATE_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDBEHAVIOURSTATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDBEHAVIOURSTATE_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDBEHAVIOURSTATE_BEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDBEHAVIOURSTATE_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANGEDBEHAVIOURSTATE_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
changeStateTo(LifeCycle) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
CHANNEL - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANNEL_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANNEL_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHANNEL_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CHECK_AGAIN - Static variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
CHECK_IN_SEQ - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
CHECK_SESSIONS - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
checkClass(ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BCReflectiveIntrospector
Check the structure of a java class associated to an ontological element to ensure that translations to/from abstract descriptors and java objects (instances of that class) can be accomplished by this introspector.
checkClass(ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in interface jade.content.onto.Introspector
Check the structure of a java class associated to an ontological element to ensure that translations to/from abstract descriptors and java objects (instances of that class) can be accomplished by this introspector.
checkClass(ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
Check the structure of a java class associated to an ontological element to ensure that translations to/from abstract descriptors and java objects (instances of that class) can be accomplished by this introspector.
checkInSequence(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Check whether a reply is in-sequence and update the appropriate Session.
checkInSequence(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedContractNetResponder
checkIsTerm(Object) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Check whether a given object is a valid term.
checkJADE() - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
This method checks if both the container, and the agent, are up and running.
checkJADE() - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
This method checks if both the container, and the agent, are up and running.
checkJADE() - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.SplitJadeGateway
checkLanguage(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
checkLeaseTimeExpired() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Indicates whether the lease time for the registration of this DFAgentDescription expired.
checkOntology(Ontology) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
checkProtocolVersion(String) - Static method in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
checkSessions(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Check the status of the sessions after the reception of the last reply or the expiration of the timeout.
checkTermination(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
This methods is called after the execution of each child in order to check whether the CompositeBehaviour should terminate.
checkTermination(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Check whether this FSMBehaviour must terminate.
checkTermination(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Check whether this ParallelBehaviour must terminate.
checkTermination(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Check whether this SequentialBehaviour must terminate.
ClassFinder - Class in jade.util
This utility class was based originally on Daniel Le Berre's RTSI class.
ClassFinder() - Constructor for class jade.util.ClassFinder
ClassFinder(String[]) - Constructor for class jade.util.ClassFinder
ClassFinderFilter - Interface in jade.util
ClassFinderListener - Interface in jade.util
CLASSPATH_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
This constant represents the possible ways to fetch the resources
clear() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Clear all the elements in this aggregate.
clear() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Clear all the elements in this content element list.
clear() - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Clear all the elements in this content element list.
clear() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
clear() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Deregister all conversations.
clear() - Method in class jade.util.InputQueue
Remove all elements from this queue.
clear() - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
clear() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
clear() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
clear() - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
clear() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.List
Removes all of the elements from this list (optional operation).
clear() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Remove all mappings from this map.
clearAllAddresses() - Method in class jade.core.AID
To remove all addresses of the agent
clearAllAddresses() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Remove all addresses from the addresses slot collection of this object.
clearAllAPServices() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APDescription
Remove all services from the ap-services slot collection of this object.
clearAllIntendedReceiver() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Remove all agent identifiers from the intended-receiver slot collection of this object.
clearAllLanguages() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove all content language names from the languages slot collection of this object.
clearAllLanguages() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove all content language names from the languages slot collection of this object.
clearAllOntologies() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove all ontology names from the ontologies slot collection of this object.
clearAllOntologies() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove all ontology names from the ontologies slot collection of this object.
clearAllProperties() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Remove all properties from the properties slot collection of this object.
clearAllProperties() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove all properties from the properties slot collection of this object.
clearAllProtocols() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove all protocol names from the protocols slot collection of this object.
clearAllProtocols() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove all protocol names from the protocols slot collection of this object.
clearAllReceiver() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Removes all values from :receiver slot.
clearAllReplyTo() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Removes all values from :reply_to slot.
clearAllResolvers() - Method in class jade.core.AID
To remove all resolvers.
clearAllServices() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove all service descriptions from the services slot collection of this object.
clearAllTo() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Remove all agent identifiers from the to slot collection of this object.
clearCachedSlice(String) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
clearUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Removes the key and its corresponding value from the list of user defined parameters in this ACLMessage.
clone() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Clone the AID object.
clone() - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
clone() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
CLONE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
clone() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Clone an ACLMessage object.
clone() - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
Method declaration
clone() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
clone(Location, String) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Clones the current agent.
CLONE_MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
CLONE_NEW_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
CloneAction - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the clone-agent action, requesting to clone an agent within the platform.
CloneAction() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.CloneAction
Default constructor.
close() - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.Subscription
This method removes the current Subscription object from the SubscriptionResponder internal tables.
closeSessionOnNextReply() - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
Close the ongoing session, as soon as the next INFORM will be sent back to the initiator without the need for an explicit CANCEL message.
cnt - Variable in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Codec - Class in jade.content.lang
Generic base class for al content language codecs
Codec(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.lang.Codec
Construct a Codec object with the given name
Codec.CodecException - Exception in jade.content.lang
Class CodecException.
CodecException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.content.lang.Codec.CodecException
CodecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.content.lang.Codec.CodecException
Construct a new CodecException
CodecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException
Construct a new CodecException
Collection - Interface in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.Collection&qote; interface.
Command - Interface in jade.core
The Command interface has to be implemented by all JADE kernel-level commands, used by the various platform services.
COMMAND_SOURCE - Static variable in interface jade.core.Sink
COMMAND_TARGET - Static variable in interface jade.core.Sink
Comparable - Interface in jade.util.leap
J2SE version of the "Comparable" interface, used to sort elements in LEAPSortedSet.
compareHostNames(String, String) - Static method in class jade.core.Profile
Compares two host names/addresses regardless of whether they include domain or not.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jade.core.AID
Comparison operation.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.StateBase
Compares a given object to this state object for the purpose of collating.
compareTransportAddresses(String, String, IMTPManager) - Static method in class jade.core.Profile
Compares two stringified transport addresses.
compareTransportAddresses(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Static method in class jade.core.Profile
CompositeBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
An abstract superclass for behaviours composed by many parts.
CompositeBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
Default constructor, does not set the owner agent.
CompositeBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
This constructor sets the owner agent.
Concept - Interface in jade.content
Generic interface to be implemented by classes associated to concepts in an ontology.
ConceptSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
The class to be used to define schemas of concepts in an ontology.
ConceptSchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Creates a ConceptSchema with a given type-name, e.g.
ConceptSlotFunction - Class in jade.content.onto
The ConceptSlotFunction class allows treating the slots of an ontological concept as functions.
CONFIG - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
CONFIG is a message level for static configuration messages.
CONFIRM - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
consume(VerticalCommand) - Method in interface jade.core.Sink
Definitely consume a command object.
CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value contains the desired name of the container.
CONTAINER_WILDCARD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
ContainerController - Class in jade.wrapper
This class is a Proxy class, allowing access to a JADE agent container.
ContainerController(ContainerProxy, AgentContainer, String) - Constructor for class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
This constructor requires a concrete implementation of a JADE agent container, which cannot be instantiated by applications, so it cannot be meaningfully called from application code.
ContainerID - Class in jade.core
A class identifying an aget container in the JADE platform.
ContainerID() - Constructor for class jade.core.ContainerID
The default costructor builds an uninitialized container ID.
ContainerID(String, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class jade.core.ContainerID
Build a container ID with the given container name and transport address.
CONTAINERID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CONTAINERID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CONTAINERID_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CONTAINERID_MAIN - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CONTAINERID_MAIN - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CONTAINERID_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CONTAINERID_PORT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CONTAINERID_PORT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CONTAINERID_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
CONTAINERID_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
contains(AbsTerm) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Test if a given term is contained in this aggregate.
contains(AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Test if a given content element is contained in this content element list.
contains(ContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Test if a given content element is contained in this content element list.
contains(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
contains(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
contains(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
contains(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.List
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsSlot(String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Indicate whether a given String is the name of a slot defined in this Schema including super-schemas
CONTENT_ELEMENT_LIST - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
ContentElement - Interface in jade.content
Interface representing a generic content element, i.e. an expression that can be meaningfully used as the content of an ACL message.
ContentElementList - Class in jade.content
Utility class to deal with a list of content elements as a content element itself.
ContentElementList() - Constructor for class jade.content.ContentElementList
Construct a ContentElementList object
ContentElementListSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
ContentElementSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
This class represents the schema of a generic content element in an ontology.
ContentElementSchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.ContentElementSchema
Creates a ContentElementSchema with a given type-name.
ContentException - Exception in jade.content
Base class for OntologyException and CodecException
ContentException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.content.ContentException
ContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.content.ContentException
ContentManager - Class in jade.content
This class provides all methods to manage the content languages and ontologies "known" by a given agent and to fill and extract the content of an ACL message according to a given content language and ontology.
ContentManager() - Constructor for class jade.content.ContentManager
ContractNetInitiator - Class in jade.proto
This class implements the initiator role in a Fipa-Contract-Net or Iterated-Fipa-Contract-Net interaction protocol.
ContractNetInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
Constructor for the class that creates a new empty DataStore
ContractNetInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
Constructs a ContractNetInitiator behaviour
ContractNetResponder - Class in jade.proto
Behaviour class for fipa-contract-net Responder role.
ContractNetResponder(Agent, MessageTemplate) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Constructor of the behaviour that creates a new empty DataStore
ContractNetResponder(Agent, MessageTemplate, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Constructor of the behaviour.
ControllerException - Exception in jade.wrapper
This exception class is thrown when an operation fails on any of the agent controller methods.
ControllerException() - Constructor for exception jade.wrapper.ControllerException
Creates a new exception object, with a default detail message.
ControllerException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.wrapper.ControllerException
Creates a new exception object, with a given detail message.
ControllerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.wrapper.ControllerException
Creates a new exception object, extracting message from another throwable.
conversationFinished(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
Notifies this OntologyServer that a given conversation is finished and therefore it must no longer ignore messages belonging to it.
conversationId - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
ConversationList - Class in jade.lang.acl
This class represents a list of conversations that an agent is currently carrying out and allows creating a MessageTemplate that matches only messages that do not belong to any of these conversations.
ConversationList(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Construct a ConversationList to be used inside a given agent.
conversations - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
convertPropertyListToProperties(List<Property>) - Static method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
copyProperties(ExtendedProperties) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Copy a data from standard Properties.
copyTo(List) - Method in interface jade.core.MessageQueue
Copy all messages to a given list.
CounterValueProvider - Interface in jade.core.sam
A provider of values for a given counter.
cPLATFORM_STATE_FAILED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_INITIALIZING - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_KILLED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_KILLING - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_READY - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_STARTING - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_SUSPENDING - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
cPLATFORM_STATE_VOID - Static variable in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
CreateAgent - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the create-agent action of the JADE-agent-management ontology.
CreateAgent() - Constructor for class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
Default constructor.
CREATEAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CREATEAGENT_AGENT_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CREATEAGENT_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CREATEAGENT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CREATEAGENT_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CREATEAGENT_INITIAL_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
CREATEAGENT_OWNER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
createAgentContainer(Profile) - Method in class jade.core.Runtime
Creates a new agent container in the current JVM, providing access through a proxy object.
createAID(String) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
createAID(String) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.SplitJadeGateway
createCancelMessage(Agent, AID, ACLMessage) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Utility method that creates a suitable message to be used to CANCEL a subscription to a DF agent.
createConceptSlotFunction(String, Concept) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Create a ConceptSlotFunction for a given slot of a given Concept.
createConversationId() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
createConvId(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Create a new conversation identifier to begin a new interaction.
createGUID(String, String) - Static method in class jade.core.AID
createInitiation() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
createInitiation() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
Concrete subclasses are expected to implement this method to create the initiation message.
createInvokator() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
createListener(ProfileImpl, IMTPManager) - Static method in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
createMainContainer(Profile) - Method in class jade.core.Runtime
Creates a new main container in the current JVM, providing access through a proxy object.
createMessageQueue() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Developer can override this method to provide an alternative message queue creation mechanism
createMessageTemplate(String) - Static method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
This static method can be used to set the proper message Template (based on the interaction protocol and the performative) into the constructor of this behaviour.
createMessageTemplate(String) - Static method in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
This static method can be used to set the proper message Template (based on the interaction protocol and the performative) to be passed to the constructor of this behaviour.
createMessageTemplate(String) - Static method in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
This static method can be used to set the proper message template (based on the interaction protocol and the performative) into the constructor of this behaviour.
createMessageTemplate(String) - Static method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
This static method can be used to set the proper message Template (based on the interaction protocol and the performative) into the constructor of this behaviour.
createMessageTemplate(int) - Static method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
This static method can be used to set the proper message Template (based on the performative of the subscription message) into the constructor of this behaviour.
createMessageTemplate() - Static method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This static method can be used to set the proper message Template (based on the interaction protocol and the performative) to be passed to the constructor of this behaviour.
createNewAgent(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Creates a new JADE agent, running within this container,
createNewAgent(String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Create a new agent.
createReply() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
create a new ACLMessage that is a reply to this message.
createRequestMessage(Agent, AID, String, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Utility method that creates a suitable message to be used to REQUEST a DF agent to perform a given action of the FIPA-Management-ontology.
createResponder(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSResponderDispatcher
This method is responsible for creating a suitable Behaviour acting as responder in the interaction protocol initiated by message initiationMsg.
createSubscription(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Utility method to correctly create a new Subscription object managed by this SubscriptionResponder
createSubscriptionMessage(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Utility method that creates a suitable message to be used to SUBSCRIBE to a DF agent in order to receive notifications when a new DF-Description matching the indicated template is registererd with that DF.
currentName - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
CyclicBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Atomic behaviour that must be executed forever.
CyclicBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.CyclicBehaviour
Default constructor.
CyclicBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.CyclicBehaviour
This constructor sets the owner agent for this CyclicBehaviour.


DataStore - Class in jade.core.behaviours
DataStore() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.DataStore
DataStore(int) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.DataStore
DATE - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
DEAD_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
String constant for the name of the dead-agent event.
DEAD_NODE - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a node is removed
DEAD_PLATFORM_MANAGER - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on a peripheral container when a fault of the PlatformManager is detected
DEAD_REPLICA - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a main replica is removed
DEAD_SLICE - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a slice of a given service is removed
DeadAgent - Class in jade.domain.introspection
An introspection event, recording the death of an agent within the platform.
DeadAgent() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.DeadAgent
Default constructor.
DEADAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
deadAgent(PlatformEvent) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController.Listener
Called when an agent dies.
DEADAGENT_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
DEADAGENT_CONTAINER_REMOVED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
DEADAGENT_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
deadline - Variable in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
DEBUGOFF - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGOFF_DEBUGGED_AGENTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGOFF_DEBUGGER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGOFF_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGON - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGON_DEBUGGED_AGENTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGON_DEBUGGER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
DEBUGON_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
decode(byte[]) - Method in class jade.content.lang.ByteArrayCodec
Decodes the content to an abstract description.
decode(Ontology, byte[]) - Method in class jade.content.lang.ByteArrayCodec
Decodes the content to an abstract description.
decode(byte[]) - Method in class jade.content.lang.leap.LEAPCodec
Decodes the content to an abstract descriptor.
decode(Ontology, byte[]) - Method in class jade.content.lang.leap.LEAPCodec
Decodes the content to an abstract description.
decode(Ontology, String) - Method in class
Decodes a content expression to an abstract description using a given ontology.
decode(String) - Method in class
decode(String) - Method in class
Decodes the content to an abstract description.
decode(Ontology, String) - Method in class
Decodes the content to an abstract description.
decode(String) - Method in class jade.content.lang.StringCodec
Decodes the content to an abstract description.
decode(Ontology, String) - Method in class jade.content.lang.StringCodec
Decodes the content to an abstract description using a given ontology.
decode(byte[], String) - Method in interface jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec
Recovers an ACLMessage object back from raw data, using the specific message representation to interpret the byte sequence.
decode(byte[], String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
Recovers an ACLMessage object back from raw data, using the specific message representation to interpret the byte sequence.
decode() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
decode and parses the next message from the Reader passed in the constructor.
decode(byte[], String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
decodeAID() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
Parse an agent identifier, without it being included within an ACL message.
decodeData(byte[]) - Static method in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
decodeDone(String) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Process the content of the final inform (Done) message resulting from a register or deregister action requested to a DF agent, extracting the df-agent-description contained within.
decodeFormula(Ontology, String) - Method in class
Decodes the content to an abstract description, where the content is known to be a Well-formed Formula
decodeNotification(String) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Process the content of the inform message resulting from a subscription with a DF agent, extracting the array of df-agent-description objects contained within.
decodeObject(Ontology, String) - Method in class
decodeResult(String) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Process the content of the final inform (result) message resulting from a search action requested to a DF agent, extracting the array of df-agent-description contained within.
decodeTerm(Ontology, String) - Method in class
Decodes the content to an abstract description, where the content is known to be a Term.
DEFAULT_AGGREGATION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
DEFAULT_AGGREGATION_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec
DEFAULT_DF - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames
DEFAULT_FILENAME - Static variable in class jade.Boot
DEFAULT_IMTP - Static variable in class jade.core.ContainerID
String constant identifying the JADE default Internal Message Transport Protocol, connecting different containers within the same JADE platform.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
DEFAULT_SF_TIMEOUT_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
The configuration property key that specifies how much time by default a command that is being delivered during a temporary disconnection must be stored waiting for the FE to reconnect.
DefaultValueFacet - Class in jade.content.schema.facets
This facet set the default value of an AbsObject.
DefaultValueFacet(Object) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.facets.DefaultValueFacet
Construct a DefaultValueFacet that set the default value of an AbsObject
DELIM_START - Static variable in class jade.util.Toolkit
DELIM_STOP - Static variable in class jade.util.Toolkit
deregister(Agent, AID, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
Deregister a AMSAgentDescription from a AMS agent.
deregister(Agent, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
The AID of the AMS is defaulted to the AMS of this platform.
deregister(Agent, AID) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
A default AMSAgentDescription is used for this agent, where only AID and state are set (state is set to ACTIVE).
deregister(Agent) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
A default AMSAgentDescription is used for this agent, where only AID and state are set.
deregister(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Deregister a DFAgentDescription from a DF agent.
deregister(Agent, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Deregisters a DFAgentDescription from the default DF
deregister(Agent, AID) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
A default Agent Description is used which contains only the AID of this agent.
deregister(Agent) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Deregisters a DFAgentDescription from the default DF.
Deregister - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the deregister action of the fipa-agent-management ontology.
Deregister() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Deregister
Default constructor.
DEREGISTER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
deregister(SubscriptionResponder.Subscription) - Method in interface jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.SubscriptionManager
Deregister a Subscription object
DEREGISTER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
deregisterConversation(String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Deregister a conversation with a given ID.
deregisterDefaultTransition(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Deregister the default transition from a given source state.
deregisterState(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Deregister a state of this FSMBehaviour.
deregisterTransition(String, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Deregister the transition from a given source state and identfied by a given termination event.
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema.
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementListSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema.
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PrimitiveSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.TermSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
descendsFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.VariableSchema
Return true if - s is the base schema for the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is ConceptSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema) - s is the base schema for a super-class of the XXXSchema class this schema is an instance of (e.g. s is TermSchema.getBaseSchema() and this schema is an instance of ConceptSchema)
deserializeACL(DataInputStream) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
deserializeAID(DataInputStream) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
destroy() - Method in class jade.AppletBoot
detach() - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
Disconnect this front-end container from the platform.
detect(ProfileImpl) - Static method in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
DETECT_MAIN - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose Boolean value tells whether to activate the automatic main container detection mechanism.
df - Class in jade.domain
Standard Directory Facilitator agent.
df() - Constructor for class jade.domain.df
DF_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jade.domain.DFService
DF_SEARCH_TIMEOUT_KEY - Static variable in class jade.domain.DFService
DFAgentDescription - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the concept of the fipa-agent-management ontology representing the description of an agent in the DF catalogue.
DFAgentDescription() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Default constructor.
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION_LANGUAGES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION_LEASE_TIME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION_ONTOLOGIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFAGENTDESCRIPTION_SERVICES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
DFService - Class in jade.domain
This class provides a set of static methods to communicate with a DF Service that complies with FIPA specifications.
DFService() - Constructor for class jade.domain.DFService
Default constructor.
DFSubscriber - Class in jade.domain
DFSubscriber(Agent, DFAgentDescription) - Constructor for class jade.domain.DFSubscriber
DifferentialCounterValueProvider - Class in jade.core.sam
DifferentialCounterValueProvider() - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.DifferentialCounterValueProvider
DISCONFIRM - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
doActivate() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make a state transition from suspended to active or waiting (whichever state the agent was in when doSuspend() was called) within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
doClone(Location, String) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make this agent be cloned on another location.
DocumentationFacet - Class in jade.content.schema.facets
DocumentationFacet(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.facets.DocumentationFacet
Construct a DocumentationFacet that set the documentation of an AbsObject
doDelete() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make a state transition from active, suspended or waiting to deleted state within Agent Platform Life Cycle, thereby destroying the agent.
doFipaRequestClient(Agent, ACLMessage) - Static method in class jade.domain.FIPAService
This method plays the initiator role in the Fipa-Request interaction protocol and performs all the steps of the protocol.
doFipaRequestClient(Agent, ACLMessage, long) - Static method in class jade.domain.FIPAService
This method plays the initiator role in the Fipa-Request interaction protocol and performs all the steps of the protocol, and additionally sets a conversation timeout.
doMove(Location) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make this agent move to a remote location.
DONE - Static variable in interface
Done - Class in jade.content.onto.basic
This class implements the done operator of the FIPA SL0 action.
Done() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Done
Done(Concept) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Done
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Check if this behaviour is done.
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
Checks whether this behaviour has terminated.
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CyclicBehaviour
This is the method that makes CyclicBehaviour cyclic, because it always returns false.
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
The done() method is redefined to make this behaviour terminate when its stop() method is called.
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OneShotBehaviour
This is the method that makes OneShotBehaviour one-shot, because it always returns true.
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
done() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
done() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
done() - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
done() - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
This method checks whether this behaviour has finished or not.
DONE_ACTION - Static variable in interface
DONE_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
DONT_NOTIFY_FAILURE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
User defined parameter key specifying, when set to "true", that if the delivery of a message fails, no FAILURE notification has to be sent back to the sender.
doSubstitutions(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Replace all substrings of the form ${xxx} with the property value using the key xxx.
doSubstitutions(String, boolean) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Replace all substrings of the form ${xxx} with the property value using the key xxx.
doSuspend() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make a state transition from active or waiting to suspended within Agent Platform Life Cycle; the original agent state is saved and will be restored by a doActivate() call.
doWait() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make a state transition from active to waiting within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
doWait(long) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make a state transition from active to waiting within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
doWake() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Make a state transition from waiting to active within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
DUMMY_FINAL - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
dump(int, PrintStream) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
dump() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Dump ontology to default output stream
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Dump ontology to specified PrintStream
dump(String) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This method can be redefined to support service internal data inspection by means of the ContainerMonitorAgent included in the misc add-on.
DUMP_OPTIONS - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose Boolean value tells whether startup options should be dumped.
dumpAllThreads() - Static method in class jade.util.ThreadDumpManager
dumpThread(String, Thread) - Static method in class jade.util.ThreadDumpManager
dumpThread(String, Thread, ThreadInfo) - Static method in class jade.util.ThreadDumpManager
DynamicJadeGateway - Class in jade.wrapper.gateway
DynamicJadeGateway() - Constructor for class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway


Element - Annotation Type in jade.content.onto.annotations
Allows to specify the ontological name of the Concept or Predicate, to be used in place of the default (the rightmost part of the fully qualified class name).
EmptyIterator - Class in jade.util.leap
Singleton Iterator for an empty collection.
encode(AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.lang.ByteArrayCodec
Encodes a content into a byte array.
encode(Ontology, AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.lang.ByteArrayCodec
Encodes a content into a byte array.
encode(AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.lang.leap.LEAPCodec
Encodes an abstract descriptor holding a content element into a byte array.
encode(Ontology, AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.lang.leap.LEAPCodec
Encodes a content into a byte array.
encode(Ontology, AbsContentElement) - Method in class
Encodes a content into a string using a given ontology.
encode(AbsContentElement) - Method in class
encode(AbsContentElement) - Method in class
Encodes a content into a String.
encode(Ontology, AbsContentElement) - Method in class
Encodes a content into a String.
encode(AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.lang.StringCodec
Encodes a content into a string.
encode(Ontology, AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.lang.StringCodec
Encodes a content into a string using a given ontology.
encode(ACLMessage, String) - Method in interface jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec
Encodes an ACLMessage object into a byte sequence, according to the specific message representation.
encode(ACLMessage, String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
Encodes an ACLMessage object into a byte sequence, according to the specific message representation.
encode(ACLMessage, String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
If the content of the message is a byteSequence, then this method encodes the content in Base64 and automatically sets the value of the encoding slot.
encodeFormula(Ontology, AbsPredicate) - Method in class
Encodes the content into a String, where the content is known to be a Well-formed Formula
encodeList(Vector, char) - Static method in class jade.core.Specifier
encodeSpecifierList(Vector) - Static method in class jade.core.Specifier
This static utility method produces a string representation of a list of Specifier objects.
encodeTerm(Ontology, AbsTerm) - Method in class
Encodes the content into a String, where the content is known to be a Term.
encodingByOrder - Variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
EnumIterator - Class in jade.util.leap
Implementation of an Iterator constructed by an Enumeration.
EnumIterator(Enumeration) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.EnumIterator
Constructor declaration
Envelope - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class models an envelope.
Envelope() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Default constructor.
ENVELOPE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_ACLREPRESENTATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_ACLREPRESENTATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_COMMENTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_COMMENTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_DATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_DATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_INTENDEDRECEIVER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_INTENDEDRECEIVER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_PAYLOADENCODING - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_PAYLOADENCODING - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_PAYLOADLENGTH - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_PAYLOADLENGTH - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_RECEIVED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_RECEIVED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ENVELOPE_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ENVELOPE_TRANSPORTBEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
Returns true if the attribute is equal to this abstract descriptor, based on the contents of both descriptors.
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
EQUALS - Static variable in interface
Equals - Class in jade.content.onto.basic
This class implements the = operator of the FIPA SL0 language.
Equals() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Equals
Equals(Object, Object) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Equals
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
The difference between types of aggregates (such as SET and SEQUENCE) is quite fuzy.
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.core.AID
Equality operation.
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
Equality operation over container IDs.
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.Subscription
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.util.TransportAddressWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.StateBase
Determines if an object is equal to this object.
EQUALS_LEFT - Static variable in interface
EQUALS_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
EQUIV - Static variable in interface
EQUIV_LEFT - Static variable in interface
EQUIV_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
error(String, Exception) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
Mark the behaviour holding this OutcomeManager as failed and store the error-message that can then be retrieved by means of the getErrorMsg() method
Event - Interface in jade.domain.introspection
The generic interface for all introspection events.
Event - Class in jade.util
This class represents a generic event carrying some information (accessible in the form of Object parameters) and provides support for synchronous processing through the waitUntilProcessed() and notifyProcessed() methods.
Event(int, Object) - Constructor for class jade.util.Event
Construct an Event of a given type produced by the indicated source
Event(int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class jade.util.Event
Construct an Event of a given type produced by the indicated source and carrying a given information.
EVENTRECORD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
EVENTRECORD_WHAT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
EVENTRECORD_WHEN - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
EVENTRECORD_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ExceptionOntology - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class groups into a separated ontology the elements of the FIPA-Agent-Management-ontology (see FIPA specification document no. 23) representing generic exceptions.
ExceptionVocabulary - Interface in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This interface contains all the string constants for frame and slot names of exceptions defined in the fipa-agent-management ontology.
execute(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
execute a command.
execute(Object, long) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
Execute a command specifying a timeout.
execute(Object) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
execute a command.
execute(Object, long) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
Execute a command specifying a timeout.
EXISTS - Static variable in interface
EXISTS_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
EXISTS_WHAT - Static variable in interface
exit() - Method in interface jade.core.Node
EXPORT_HOST - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name or address of the host that other containers will have to use to contact this container
EXPORT_PORT - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the port that other containers will have to use to contact this container
exportSlice(String, Service.Slice) - Method in interface jade.core.Node
ExtendedProperties - Class in jade.util
Provides enhanced property management.
ExtendedProperties() - Constructor for class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Construct empty property collection.
ExtendedProperties(String[]) - Constructor for class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Construct a ExtendedProperties object from an array of stringified properties of the form =.
externalise(AbsObject, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Action
externalizeAggregate(String, Object, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BCReflectiveIntrospector
externalizeAggregate(String, Object, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.CFReflectiveIntrospector
externalizeAggregate(String, Object, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in interface jade.content.onto.Introspector
externalizeAggregate(String, Object, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
externalizeSlotValue(Object, Introspector, Ontology) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
externalizeSpecialType(Object, ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in interface jade.content.onto.Introspector
externalizeSpecialType(Object, ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
extractAbsContent(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Translates the :content slot of an ACLMessage msg into an AbsContentElement using the content language and ontology indicated in the :language and :ontology fields of msg.
extractContent(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Translates the :content slot of an ACLMessage msg into a ContentElement using the content language and ontology indicated in the :language and :ontology fields of msg.
extractKeyContentElement(ContentElement) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
extractResult(Result) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
extractSubset(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Create a new Properties object by coping those properties whose key begins with a particular prefix string.


Facet - Interface in jade.content.schema
Represent a generic Facet (i.e. a constraint on the possible values) that can be applied on a slot in a schema of an ontological element.
FAILURE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
FailureException - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class represents a generic FailureException
FailureException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FailureException
FailureException(ACLMessage) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FailureException
FALSE_PROPOSITION - Static variable in interface
FalseProposition - Class in jade.content.onto.basic
This class represents the FALSE proposition i.e. a predicate that is always false.
FalseProposition() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.FalseProposition
FEASIBLE - Static variable in interface
FEASIBLE_ACTION - Static variable in interface
FEASIBLE_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
FEListener - Interface in jade.core
Interface to be implemented by classes that need to be notified about FrontEnd relevant events such as BORN_AGENT and DEAD_AGENT.
FILE_DIR - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value contains the name of the directory where all the files generated by JADE should be put.
FILE_SYSTEM_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
fill(Object) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
fill(Concept, Object) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
fillCancelContent(ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method is used to fill the :content slot of the CANCEL message that is being sent to an agent to cancel the subscription previously activated by means of the subscription message.
fillContent(ACLMessage, AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Fills the :content slot of an ACLMessage msg using the content language and ontology indicated in the :language and :ontology fields of msg.
fillContent(ACLMessage, ContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Fills the :content slot of an ACLMessage msg using the content language and ontology indicated in the :language and :ontology fields of msg.
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception jade.content.onto.UnknownSchemaException
Filter - Class in jade.core
Base class for command filters, that allow to set up an open-ended chain of platform services to process commands coming from the upper JADE layers.
Filter() - Constructor for class jade.core.Filter
findAllSlices(String) - Method in interface jade.core.ServiceFinder
Retrieves all the slices of a service currently active on this platform.
findService(String) - Method in interface jade.core.ServiceFinder
Looks up a platform service by name.
findSlice(String, String) - Method in interface jade.core.ServiceFinder
Looks up a specific service slice by name.
findSubclasses(String) - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
findSubclasses(String, ClassFinderListener, ClassFinderFilter) - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
FINE - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
FINE is a message level providing tracing information.
FINER - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
FINER indicates a fairly detailed tracing message.
FINEST - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
FINEST indicates a highly detailed tracing message
FIPA_BROKERING - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Brokering interaction protocol.
FIPA_CONTRACT_NET - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Contract-Net interaction protocol.
FIPA_DUTCH_AUCTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Auction-Dutch interaction protocol.
FIPA_ENGLISH_AUCTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Auction-English interaction protocol.
FIPA_ITERATED_CONTRACT_NET - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Iterated-Contract-Net interaction protocol.
FIPA_PROPOSE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Propose interaction protocol.
FIPA_QUERY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Query interaction protocol.
FIPA_RECRUITING - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Recruiting interaction protocol.
FIPA_REQUEST - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Request interaction protocol.
FIPA_REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Request-When interaction protocol.
FIPA_SL - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.ContentLanguage
The FIPA-SL language, with no restriction on expressiveness.
FIPA_SL0 - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.ContentLanguage
The level-0 profile for the FIPA SL content language.
FIPA_SL1 - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.ContentLanguage
The level-1 profile for the FIPA-SL content language.
FIPA_SL2 - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.ContentLanguage
The level-2 profile for the FIPA-SL content language.
FIPA_SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The FIPA-Subscribe interaction protocol.
FIPAException - Exception in jade.domain
This class represents a generic FIPAException, i.e. one of NotUnderstood,Failure,Refuse, as defined in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.
FIPAException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAException
Constructs a generic FIPAException.
FIPAException(ACLMessage) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAException
Constructs a FIPAException from the given ACL message.
FIPAManagementOntology - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class represents the ontology defined by FIPA Agent Management specifications (document no. 23).
FIPAManagementVocabulary - Interface in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This interface contains all the string constants for frame and slot names defined in the fipa-agent-management ontology.
FIPANames - Interface in jade.domain
This class provides a single access point for the set of constants already defined by FIPA.
FIPANames.ACLCodec - Interface in jade.domain
Set of constants that identifies the Codec of ACL Messages and that can be assigned via ACLMessage.getEnvelope().setAclRepresentation(FIPANames.ACLCodec.BITEFFICIENT);
FIPANames.ContentLanguage - Interface in jade.domain
Set of constants that identifies the content languages and that can be assigned via ACLMessage.setLanguage(FIPANames.ContentLanguage.SL0)
FIPANames.InteractionProtocol - Interface in jade.domain
Set of constants that identifies the Interaction Protocols and that can be assigned via ACLMessage.setProtocol(FIPANames.InteractionProtocol.FIPA_REQUEST)
FIPANames.MTP - Interface in jade.domain
Set of constants that identifies the Message Transport Protocols.
FIPANames.Ontology - Interface in jade.domain
Set of constants that identifies the Ontology of ACL Messages and that can be assigned via ACLMessage.setOntology(FIPANames.Ontology.SL0_ONTOLOGY);
FIPAProtocolNames - Interface in jade.proto
Use jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol instead
FIPAService - Class in jade.domain
This class provides a set of basic and static methods to perform the FIPA Agent Management actions.
FIPAService() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAService
FIRST - Static variable in class jade.core.Filter
The constant indicating the first position in the filter chain
first() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.SortedSet
Returns the first (lowest) element currently in this sorted set.
first() - Method in class jade.util.leap.SortedSetImpl
FLOAT - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
FORALL - Static variable in interface
FORALL_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
FORALL_WHAT - Static variable in interface
forceTransitionTo(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Temporarily disregards the FSM structure, and jumps to the given state.
fromList(List) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
Fill this list with the content of a given java.util.List object.
fromObject(Object) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Converts a Java object into a proper abstract descriptor.
FROZENAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
FROZENAGENT_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
FROZENAGENT_BUFFERCONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
FROZENAGENT_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
FSMBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Composite behaviour with Finite State Machine based children scheduling.
FSMBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Default constructor, does not set the owner agent.
FSMBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
This constructor sets the owner agent.


GatewayAgent - Class in jade.wrapper.gateway
This agent is the gateway able to execute all commands requests received via JadeGateway.
GatewayAgent() - Constructor for class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayAgent
GatewayBehaviour - Class in jade.wrapper.gateway
This is a cyclic behaviour that processes the commands received via JadeGateway.
GatewayBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayBehaviour
GatewayListener - Interface in jade.wrapper.gateway
GenericCommand - Class in jade.core
A generic implementation of the Command interface, operating at the meta-level to provide a generic transformation of method invocations.
GenericCommand(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jade.core.GenericCommand
Creates a new generic command, with the given name and belonging to the given service and interaction.
get(int) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Retrieves the i-th element in this aggregate.
get(int) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Retrieves the i-th element in this content element list.
get() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
get(int) - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Retrieves the i-th element in this content element list.
get(Object) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Get the object associated with a key.
get() - Method in class jade.util.InputQueue
Extract the first object in the queue (if any).
get(int) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
get(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
get(int) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
get(int) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.List
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get() - Method in class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Returns the current element in the list and updates the pointer such that the current becomes the next element in the list.
getAbsObject(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Overrides this method to check that name is of the form Codec.UNNAMEDPERFIX+index
getAbsObject(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsContentElementList that has no attribute --> Just return null
getAbsObject(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsExtendedPrimitive that has no attribute --> Just return null
getAbsObject(String) - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
Gets the value of an attribute of the object held by this abstract descriptor.
getAbsObject(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
Gets the value of an attribute of the object held by this abstract descriptor.
getAbsObject(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsPrimitive that has no attribute --> Just return null
getAbsObject(String) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
getAbsTerm(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsConcept
Gets the value of an attribute of the concept held by this abstract descriptor.
getAbsTerm(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPredicate
Gets the value (casted as an AbsTerm) of an attribute of the predicate held by this abstract descriptor.
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAgentAction
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsConcept
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsConceptSlotFunction
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
getAbsType() - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPredicate
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getAbsType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
getACLMessage() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FailureException
getACLMessage() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.RefuseException
getACLMessage() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAException
Retrieve the ACL message whose content is represented by this exception.
getAclRepresentation() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the acl-representation slot of this object.
getAct() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnexpectedAct
getAct() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnsupportedAct
getAction() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Action
getAction() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Done
getAction() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Result
getActionNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieve the names of all agent actions defined in this ontology (including extended ontologies).
getActor() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Action
getActualActor() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
getAddress() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
Retrieve the IP address of the host, the described container is running on.
getAddress() - Method in interface jade.core.Location
Read the address for a location.
getAddress() - Method in class jade.core.PlatformID
getAddress() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedMTP
Retrieve the value of the address slot of this event, containing the address URL of the newly added MTP.
getAddress() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedMTP
Retrieve the value of the address slot of this event, containing the address URL of the newly removed MTP.
getAddress() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.InstallMTP
Retrieve the value of the address slot of this action, containing the address URL of the MTP to install.
getAddress() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.UninstallMTP
Retrieve the value of the address slot of this action, containing the address URL of the MTP to uninstall.
getAddress() - Method in class jade.util.TransportAddressWrapper
getAddressesArray() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns an array of string containing all the addresses of the agent
getAgent() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
getAgent(String) - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
Get agent proxy to local agent given its name.
getAgent() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the newly born agent.
getAgent() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.DeadAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the newly dead agent.
getAgent() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.MovedAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the newly moved agent.
getAgent() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.ResumedAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the newly resumed agent.
getAgent() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.SuspendedAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the newly suspended agent.
getAgent() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.KillAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the agent to terminate.
getAgent(String) - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Get a controller (i.e. a proxy) to a local agent given its local-name.
getAgent(String, boolean) - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Get a controller (i.e. a proxy) to a local agent given its local-name or GUID.
getAgent(String) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Get agent proxy to local agent given its name.
getAgentGUID() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
Retrieve the global agent name (i.e. the local name and the platform ID).
getAgentIdentifier() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.WhereIsAgentAction
Retrieve the value of the agent-identifier slot of this action, containing the agent identifier for the agent whose location is requested.
getAgentName() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
Retrieve the value of the agent-name slot of this event, containing the local name (i.e. without the platform ID) of the agent to create.
getAgentProfile() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentDescription
Retrieve the value of the agent-profile slot of this event, containing the profile for the descrbed agent.
getAgentState() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
getAgentVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentDescription
Retrieve the value of the agent-version slot of this event, containing the version string for the described agent.
getAggregationInfo(String, int) - Static method in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
getAID() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Method to query the private Agent ID.
getAID(String) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Method to build a complete agent GUID belonging to the same platform of the current agent
getAllAddresses() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns an iterator of all the addresses of the agent.
getAllAddresses() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Access all addresses from the addresses slot collection of this object.
getAllAPServices() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APDescription
Access all services from the ap-services slot collection of this object.
getAllArguments() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
Remove all objects from the arguments slot collection of this object.
getAllIntendedReceiver() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Access all agent identifiers from the intended receiver slot collection of this object.
getAllIntendedReceiver() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
retrieve the whole list of intended receivers for this message.
getAllLanguages() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Access all content language names from the languages slot collection of this object.
getAllLanguages() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Access all content language names from the languages slot collection of this object.
getAllOntologies() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Access all ontology names from the ontologies slot collection of this object.
getAllOntologies() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Access all ontology names from the ontologies slot collection of this object.
getAllPerformativeNames() - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Returns the list of the communicative acts as an array of String.
getAllProperties() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Access all properties from the properties slot collection of this object.
getAllProperties() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Access all properties from the properties slot collection of this object.
getAllProtocols() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Access all protocol names from the protocols slot collection of this object.
getAllProtocols() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Access all protocol names from the protocols slot collection of this object.
getAllReceiver() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :receiver slot.
getAllReplyTo() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :reply_to slot.
getAllResolvers() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns an iterator of all the resolvers.
getAllServices() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Access all service descriptions from the services slot collection of this object.
getAllSlices() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
The getAllSlices() implementation of this class directly retrieves the current list of slices from the Service Manager.
getAllSlices() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Retrieve the whole array of slices that compose this service.
getAllTo() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Access all agent identifiers from the to slot collection of this object.
getAllUserDefinedParameters() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Return all user defined parameters of this ACLMessage in form of a Properties object
getAllUserDefinedSlot() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns the user-defined slots as properties.
getAMS() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Get the Agent ID for the platform AMS.
getAMS() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
getAmsAID() - Method in class jade.core.PlatformID
getAMSBehaviour() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that require a service specific Behaviour running in the AMS.
getAMSBehaviour() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Retrieve a behaviour that is associated with this service, and that will be deployed within the AMS.
getArgs() - Method in class jade.core.Specifier
Retrieve the argument list for this specifier.
getArgumentName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingArgument
getArgumentName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnexpectedArgument
getArguments() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Get the array of arguments passed to this agent.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all agent actions.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all aggregates.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all concepts.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementListSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all content element lists.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all content elements.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all ire-s.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all objects.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all predicates.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.PrimitiveSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all primitives.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.TermSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for terms.
getBaseSchema() - Static method in class jade.content.schema.VariableSchema
Retrieve the generic base schema for all variables.
getBehaviourName() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Retrieve the name of this behaviour object.
getBoolean() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getBoolean(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type boolean directly as a boolean i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Retrieve a boolean value for a configuration property.
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Retrieve a boolean value for a configuration property.
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Extract a string value ("true" or "false") and convert it to a boolean.
getBootProperties() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Return the configuration properties exactly as they were passed to the Profile before starting the local JADE container.
getBootProperties() - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Retrieve the configuration properties as they were passed to this Profile object, i.e. without internal initializations automatically performed by the Profile class.
getBootProperties() - Method in class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Retrieve the configuration properties as they were passed to this Profile object, i.e. without internal initializations automatically performed by the Profile class.
getBy() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject
Retrieve the by slot of this object.
getByteSequence() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getByteSequence(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type byte[] directly as a byte[] i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getByteSequenceContent() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :content slot.
getCancel() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
Retrieve the cancel ACL message used to cancel the subscription to the AMS.
getCardMax() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.CardinalityFacet
getCardMin() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.CardinalityFacet
getChildren() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
This method returns a Collection view of the children of this CompositeBehaviour
getChildren() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Return a Collection view of the children of this SequentialBehaviour
getChildren() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Return a Collection view of the children of this ParallelBehaviour
getChildren() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Return a Collection view of the children of this SequentialBehaviour
getClassForElement(String) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieves the concrete class associated with element name in this ontology.
getClassName() - Method in class jade.core.Specifier
Retrieve the class name of this specifier.
getClassName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
getClassName() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
Retrieve the value of the class-name slot of this event, containing the name of the Java class implementing the agentto create.
getClassName() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.InstallMTP
Retrieve the value of the class-name slot of this action, containing the name of the Java class implementing the MTP endpoint to install.
getClassName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.LoadBehaviour
getClasspathLocations() - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
Determine every URL location defined by the current classpath, and it's associated package name.
getCode() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.LoadBehaviour
getCode() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.State
Return the integer code assigned to the state.
getCode() - Method in class jade.wrapper.StateBase
Return the integer code that identifies this state.
getCommandFilter(boolean) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that have filters.
getCommandFilter(boolean) - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
getCommandFilter(boolean) - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Access the command filter this service needs to perform its tasks.
getCommandSink(boolean) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that have sinks.
getCommandSink(boolean) - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Access the command sink this service uses to handle its own vertical commands.
getComments() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the comments slot of this object.
getConcept() - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
getConceptNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieve the names of all concepts defined in this ontology (including extended ontologies).
getCondition() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Done
getConstraints() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Search
Retrieve the constraints slot of this object.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedContainer
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the newly added container.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.KillContainerRequested
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this event, containing the identifier of the container that is requested to be killed.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedContainer
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the newly removed container.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the agent is to be created.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.InstallMTP
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this action, containing the container identifier of the container where the new MTP is to be deployed.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.KillContainer
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container to terminate.
getContainer() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.UninstallMTP
Retrieve the value of the container slot of this action, containing the container identifier of the container where the MTP to uninstall is deployed.
getContainerController() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Return a controller for the container this agent lives in.
getContainerName() - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
getContainerName() - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Retrieve the name of the wrapped container.
getContainerRemoved() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.DeadAgent
getContent() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :content slot.
getContentManager() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Retrieves the agent's content manager
getContentObject() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
This method returns the content of this ACLMessage when they have been written via the method setContentObject.
getConversationId() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :conversation-id slot.
getCount() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Overrides method in superclass
getCount() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Return the number of elements in the list.
getCount() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsExtendedPrimitive that has no attribute --> Just return 0
getCount() - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
Gets the number of attributes.
getCount() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
Gets the number of attributes.
getCount() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsPrimitive that has no attribute --> Just return 0
getCount() - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
getCounterValues() - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
Provides the differential values of all monitored counters in form of a Map.
getCredentials() - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Get the credentials that the actor of this command wants to use while processing this command.
getCredentials() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getCurQueueSize() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method retrieves the current length of the message queue of this agent.
getCurrent() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
This method returns the child behaviour currently scheduled for execution
getCurrent() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Get the current child
getCurrent() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Get the current child
getCurrent() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Get the current child
getCurrentPhase() - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
getDataStore() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Return the private data store of this Behaviour.
getDataStore() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
getDate() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getDate(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type Date directly as a Date i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getDate() - Static method in class jade.core.Runtime
getDate() - Method in class jade.core.VersionManager
getDate() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the date slot of this object.
getDate() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject
Retrieve the date slot of this object.
getDefaultDF() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Get the Agent ID for the platform default DF.
getDefaultDF() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
getDefaultGateway() - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
getDefaultNetworkName() - Static method in class jade.core.Profile
getDefaultNetworkName(boolean) - Static method in class jade.core.Profile
getDefaultValue() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.DefaultValueFacet
Get the default value associated to this facet
getDependencies() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentLanguage
Retrieve the value of the dependencies slot of this event, containing the language dependencies of the described agent.
getDependencies() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentOS
Retrieve the value of the dependencies slot of this event, containing the OS dependencies of the described agent.
getDependencies() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentSystem
Retrieve the value of the dependencies slot of this event, containing the runtime system dependencies of the described agent.
getDescription() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Deregister
Retrieve the description slot of this object.
GETDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
GetDescription - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the get-description action of the fipa-agent-management ontology.
GetDescription() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.GetDescription
Default constructor.
getDescription() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Modify
Retrieve the description slot of this object.
getDescription() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Register
Retrieve the description slot of this object.
getDescription() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Search
Retrieve the description slot of this object.
getDescriptionOfThisDF() - Method in class jade.domain.df
This method returns the current description of this DF
getDescriptionOfThisDF(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.df
This method returns the description of this df used to federate with the given parent
getDestination() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentDescription
Retrieve the value of the destination slot of this event, containing the destination of the mobility operation performed by the described agent.
getDFAgentDsc(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.df
This method returns the description of an agent registered with the DF.
getDocumentation() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.DocumentationFacet
Get the documentation associated to this facet
getDouble() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getDouble(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type double directly as a double i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getElementsSchema() - Method in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
getElementTemplate() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Get the abstract template of aggregate element
getEncoding() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :encoding slot.
getEncodingByOrder() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Get the indication whether the preferred encoding for the slots of concepts compliant to this schema is by order or by name.
getEntityMeasures() - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMInfo
Provides the measures of all monitored entities in form of a Map.
getEnvelope() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads the envelope attached to this message, if any.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.InternalError
getErrorMsg() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
Shortcut method for getOutcome().getErrorMsg()
getErrorMsg() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
Retrieve the error-message providing details about the reason of failure of the behaviour holding this OutcomeManager .
getErrors() - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
getEventType() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
Retrieve the event type.
getExitCode() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
Shortcut method for getOutcome().getExitCode()
getExitCode() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
Retrieve the exit-code that indicates whether the behaviour holding this OutcomeManager succeeded (OK) or failed (KO)
getFacets(String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Retrieves the facets defined upon a slot.
getFailedReceiver(Agent, ACLMessage) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
Extracts the receiver a message could not be delivered to from a FAILURE message received by the AMS.
getFailureReason(Agent, ACLMessage) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
getFloat() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getFloat(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type float directly as a float i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getFreshSlice(String) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
getFrom() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the from slot of this object.
getFrom() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject
Retrieve the from slot of this object.
getFrom() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.MovedAgent
Retrieve the value of the from slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container from where the agent migrated.
getFunction() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnsupportedFunction
getHap() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Method to query the Home Agent Platform.
getHap() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns the HAP of the agent or null if the GUID of this AID is not of the form @
getHelper(String) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Retrieves the agent's service helper
getHelper(Agent) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that have helpers.
getHelper(Agent) - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
getHelper(Agent) - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Get the helper for accessing this service.
getHorizontalInterface() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that have non-empty slices.
getHorizontalInterface() - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
getHorizontalInterface() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Retrieve the interface through which the different service slices will communicate, that is, the service Horizontal Interface.
getID() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
getID() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
Retrieve a string identifying the described container.
getID() - Method in interface jade.core.Location
Read a unique ID for the location.
getID() - Method in class jade.core.PlatformID
getId() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject
Retrieve the id slot of this object.
getIgnoredConversations() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
getIMTPManager() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
getInitialCredentials() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
getInnerOntology() - Method in class jade.content.lang.Codec
getInnerOntology() - Method in class
getInnerOntology() - Method in class
getInReplyTo() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :reply-to slot.
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
Returns the singleton instance of the BasicOntology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.content.onto.JavaCollectionOntology
Returns the singleton instance of the JavaCollectionOntology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.content.onto.SerializableOntology
Returns the singleton instance of the SerializableOntology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionOntology
This method returns the unique instance (according to the singleton pattern) of the Exception-ontology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementOntology
This method returns the unique instance (according to the singleton pattern) of the FIPA-Agent-Management-ontology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionOntology
This method grants access to the unique instance of the ontology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementOntology
This method returns the unique instance (according to the singleton pattern) of the JADE-Agent-Management-ontology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingOntology
This method returns the singleton instance of the Behaviour-Loading ontology.
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobilityOntology
getInstance() - Static method in class jade.util.leap.EmptyIterator
Returns the singleton EmptyIterator object.
getInteger() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getInteger(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type int directly as an int i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getInteger(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Returns the integer corresponding to the performative
getInteraction() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getInteraction() - Method in interface jade.core.HorizontalCommand
Query the interaction this command object is a part of.
getIntProperty(String, int) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Extract a string value and convert it to an integer.
getIntrospector() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
getItems() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Result
getJADELogger(String) - Static method in class jade.util.Logger
Find or create a logger for a named subsystem.
getJavaClass() - Static method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAgentAction
getJavaClass() - Static method in class jade.content.abs.AbsConcept
getJavaClass() - Static method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
getJavaClass() - Static method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPredicate
getJavaClass() - Static method in class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
getJavaType() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.JavaTypeFacet
Get the java type associated to this facet
GETKEYS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
getLanguage() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentProfile
Retrieve the value of the language slot of this action, containing the language of the described agent.
getLanguage() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :language slot.
getLanguageNames() - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
getLastExitValue() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Retrieve the exit value of the most recently executed child.
getLeaseTime() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Retrieve the lease time for the registration of this description (i.e., how long it will be kept within the DF agent knowledge base).
getLeft() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Equals
getLocalName() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Method to query the agent local name.
getLocalName() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns the local name of the agent (without the HAP).
getLocalNode() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
getLocalSlice() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that have non-empty slices.
getLocalSlice() - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
getLocalSlice() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Retrieve the locally installed slice of this service.
getLocation() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.QueryAgentsOnLocation
Retrieve the value of the location slot of this event, containing the location for which the agent list is requested.
getLocationOf(Class) - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
The result of the last search is cached in this object, along with the URL that corresponds to each class returned.
getLong() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getLong(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type long directly as a long i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getMain() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
getMain() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
getMajorVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentLanguage
Retrieve the value of the major-version slot of this event, containing the major version number of the language of the described agent.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentOS
Retrieve the value of the major-version slot of this event, containing the major version number of the OS of the described agent.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentSystem
Retrieve the value of the major-version slot of this event, containing the major version number of the runtime system of the described agent.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.SearchConstraints
Retrieve the max-depth slot of this object.
getMaxResults() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.SearchConstraints
Retrieve the max-results slot of this object.
getMaxSize() - Method in interface jade.core.MessageQueue
Return the maximum size of this queue.
getMessage() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAException
Get the content of the ACL message representing this exception
getMessage() - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.Subscription
Retrieve the ACL message with which this subscription object was created.
getMessage() - Method in exception jade.util.WrapperException
Retrieve the exception message text.
getMessageTemplate() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Return a template that matches only messages that do not belong to any of the conversations in this list.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentLanguage
Retrieve the value of the minor-version slot of this event, containing the minor version number of the language of the described agent.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentOS
Retrieve the value of the minor-version slot of this event, containing the minor version number of the OS of the described agent.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentSystem
Retrieve the value of the minor-version slot of this event, containing the minor version number of the runtime system of the described agent.
getMobileAgentDescription() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MoveAction
Retrieve the value of the mobile-agent-description slot of this event, containing the description of the agent to migrate.
getMode() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
getMyLogger(String) - Static method in class jade.util.Logger
getName() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
Gets the name of this variable.
getName() - Method in class jade.content.lang.Codec
Gets the name of this codec.
getName() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieves the name of this ontology.
getName() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Method to query the agent complete name (GUID).
getName() - Method in class jade.core.AID
This method returns the name of the agent.
getName(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Retrieve the name of the FSM state associated to the given child behaviour.
getName() - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Query the name of this command object.
getName() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
Retrieve the name of the described container.
getName() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getName() - Method in interface jade.core.Location
Read the name of a location.
getName() - Method in interface jade.core.Node
getName() - Method in class jade.core.PlatformID
getName() - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
getName() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Retrieve the name of this service, that can be used to look up its slices in the Service Finder.
getName() - Method in class jade.core.Specifier
Retrieve the name for this specifier object.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
Retrieve the name slot of this object.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APDescription
Retrieve the name slot of this object.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Retrieve the name slot of this object.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Retrieve the agent identifier for the described agent.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
Retrieve the name of this property object.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Retrieve the name slot of this object.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedContainer
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedMTP
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.DeadAgent
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in interface jade.domain.introspection.Event
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.KillContainerRequested
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.MovedAgent
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedContainer
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedMTP
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.ResetEvents
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.ResumedAgent
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.ShutdownPlatformRequested
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.SuspendedAgent
Retrieve the name of this event.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentDescription
Retrieve the value of the name slot of this event, containing the agent identifier of the described agent.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentLanguage
Retrieve the value of the name slot of this action, containing the language of the described agent.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentOS
Retrieve the value of the name slot of this action, containing the OS of the described agent.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentSystem
Retrieve the value of the name slot of this action, containing the runtime system of the described agent.
getName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
getName() - Method in interface jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec
Query the name of the message representation handled by this Codec object.
getName() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
Query the name of the message representation handled by this Codec object.
getName() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
getName() - Method in class jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
getName() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Get the platforms name of the agent.
getName() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Get the name of the platform.
getName() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.State
Returns the name of the state.
getName() - Method in class jade.wrapper.StateBase
Returns the descriptive name of the state.
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Overrides method in superclass
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsContentElementList that has no attribute --> Just return null
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsExtendedPrimitive that has no attribute --> Just return null
getNames() - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
Makes no sense in the case of an AbsPrimitive that has no attribute --> Just return null
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
getNames() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Returns the names of all the slots in this Schema (including slots defined in super schemas).
getNested() - Method in exception jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException
Reads the exception wrapped by this object.
getNested() - Method in exception jade.util.WrapperException
Reads the exception wrapped by this object.
getNewName() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.CloneAction
Retrieve the value of the new-name slot of this event, containing the new local name (i.e. without the platform ID) for the new, cloned agent.
getNode() - Method in interface jade.core.Service.Slice
Access the node where this slice resides.
getNode() - Method in class jade.core.SliceProxy
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, AID, String, AMSAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
In some cases it is more convenient to execute this tasks in a non-blocking way.
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, String, AMSAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
the default AMS is used.
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, String) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
the default AMS is used.
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, AID, String) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
the default SearchContraints are used.
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, String, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
the default AMS is used.
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, AID, String, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
the default AMS is used.
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, AID, String, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use AchieveREInitiator instead
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, String, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use AchieveREInitiator instead
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, String) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use AchieveREInitiator instead
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, AID, String) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use AchieveREInitiator instead
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, String, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use AchieveREInitiator instead
getNonBlockingBehaviour(Agent, AID, String, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use AchieveREInitiator instead
getNSamples() - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasure
getNumberOfSlices() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This method returns the current number of slices known to this service on this node.
getNumberOfSlices() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Query by how many slices this service is composed at present.
getO2AInterface(Class<T>) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Used internally by the framework
getO2AInterface(Class<T>) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Retrieve an O2A (Object-to-Agent) interface to interact with the controlled agent.
getO2AObject() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method picks an object (if present) from the internal object-to-agent communication queue.
getObject() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getObjectName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingParameter
getObjectName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnexpectedParameter
getOneLine(Reader) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Get a logical line.
getOntology() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :ontology slot.
getOntologyNames() - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
getOS() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentProfile
Retrieve the value of the os slot of this action, containing the OS of the described agent.
getOutcome() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
getOutputParameters(Behaviour, List) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
getOwnActionNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieve the names of the agent actions defined in this ontology only (excluding extended ontologies).
getOwnConceptNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieve the names of the concepts defined in this ontology only (excluding extended ontologies).
getOwnedCommands() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This should be properly implemented by the services that owns vertival commands.
getOwnedCommands() - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Access the names of the vertical commands this service wants to handle as their final destination.
getOwner() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.CreateAgent
getOwnership() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
Retrieve the ownership slot of this object.
getOwnership() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Retrieve the ownership slot of this object.
getOwnership() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedContainer
Retrieve the value of the ownership slot of this event, containing the name of the entity owning the newly added container.
getOwnership() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
getOwnNames() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Returns the names of the slots defined in this Schema (excluding slots defined in super schemas).
getOwnPredicateNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieve the names of the predicates defined in this ontology only (excluding extended ontologies).
getParam(int) - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Obtain the parameter list, as an array of Java objects.
getParam(int) - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getParameter(String, String) - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Retrieve a String value from the configuration properties.
getParameter(String, String) - Method in class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Retrieve a String value from the configuration properties.
getParameter(int) - Method in class jade.util.Event
Retrieve an element of the event parameter list.
getParameterInfo() - Method in class jade.AppletBoot
getParameterName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingParameter
getParameterName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnexpectedParameter
getParameterName() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnrecognisedParameterValue
getParameters() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.LoadBehaviour
getParameterValue() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnrecognisedParameterValue
getParams() - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Obtain the parameter list, as an array of Java objects.
getParams() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getParent() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Retrieve the enclosing CompositeBehaviour (if present).
getPassword() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.KillAgent
Retrieve the value of the password slot of this event, containing the password to authenticate the principal requesting the agent termination.
getPassword() - Method in class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.KillContainer
Retrieve the value of the password slot of this event, containing the password to authenticate the principal requesting the container termination.
getPayloadEncoding() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the payload-encoding slot of this object.
getPayloadLength() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the payload-length slot of this object.
getPerformative(int) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Returns the string corresponding to the integer for the performative
getPerformative() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
return the integer representing the performative of this object
getPeriod() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
getPermittedValues() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.PermittedValuesFacet
Get the permitted values associated to this facet
getPermittedValuesAsString() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.PermittedValuesFacet
Get the permitted values as string associated to this facet
getPhase(String) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
getPlatformController() - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Retrieve a controller for the platform the container wrapped by this ContainerController belongs to and acts as the Main Container.
getPlatformID() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
getPlatformName() - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Retrieve the name of the platform the container wrapped by this ContainerController belongs to.
getPlatformName() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
Retrieve the platform name.
getPort() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
getPostTimeStamp() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
getPredicateNames() - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieve the names of all predicatess defined in this ontology (including extended ontologies).
getPreferredPosition() - Method in class jade.core.Filter
Retrieve the preferred position for this filter in the filter chain
getPreserveJavaTypes() - Method in class
getPrevious() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Get the previously executed child
getPrincipal() - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Get the JADEPrincipal of the actor, respnsible for this Command object.
getPrincipal() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getProfileProperty(String, String) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
Searches for the property with the specified key in the JADE Platform Profile.
getProfileProperty(String, String) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
Searches for the property with the specified key in the JADE Platform Profile.
getProperties() - Method in class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Return the underlying properties collection.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Retrieve a configuration property set in the Profile of the local container (first) or as a System property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Override getProperty in base class so all occurances of the form ${key} are replaced by their associated value.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Perform substitution when a value is fetched.
getPropertyIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Use this method to fetch a property ignoring case of key.
getProposition() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
Gets the proposition of this IRE.
getProto() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedMTP
Retrieve the value of the proto slot of this event, containing the protocol name for the newly added MTP.
getProto() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedMTP
Retrieve the value of the proto slot of this event, containing the protocol name for the newly removed MTP.
getProtocol() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
Retrieves the IMTP protocol used to reach the described container.
getProtocol() - Method in interface jade.core.Location
Read the protocol for a location.
getProtocol() - Method in class jade.core.PlatformID
getProtocol() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :protocol slot.
getQueueSize() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Reads message queue size.
getRawProperty(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Fetch property value for key which may contain strings of the form ${key}.
getReceived() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Retrieve the received slot of this object.
getReceivedContentElement() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
Allows subclasses to retrieve the actually received content element e.g.
getReferencedSchemas(ObjectSchema) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
getRegex() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.RegexFacet
Get the regex associated to this facet
getReplyBy() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Since the value of this slot is a Date by definition, then the getReplyByDate should be used that returns a Date
getReplyByDate() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :reply-by slot.
getReplyWith() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :reply-with slot.
getResolversArray() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Returns an array containing all the AIDs of the resolvers.
getResource(String) - Method in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
Get remote resource
getResource(String, int) - Method in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
Get remote resource
getResource(String, String) - Method in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
Get remote resource
getResource(String, int, String) - Method in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
Get remote resource
getResult() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
getResultFacets() - Method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
getResultSchema() - Method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
getReturnValue() - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Obtain the return value for this command.
getReturnValue() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getRevision() - Static method in class jade.core.Runtime
getRevision() - Method in class jade.core.VersionManager
getRight() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Equals
getSAMInfo() - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMProxy
getSAMInfo() - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMSlice
getSchema(String) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
Redefine the getSchema() method to take into account ACL performatives.
getSchema(Class) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
Redefine the getSchema() method to take into account java primitives.
getSchema(String) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieves the schema of element name in this ontology.
getSchema(Class) - Method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Retrieves the schema associated to a given class in this ontology.
getSchema(String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Retrieves the schema of a slot of this Schema.
getSearchId() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.SearchConstraints
Retrieve the search-id slot of this object.
getSelectionKey(Object) - Method in class jade.proto.states.HandlerSelector
Subclasses must provide a concrete implementation for this method.
getSender() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Reads :sender slot.
getSeparatorIndex(String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Retrieve the position of the first valid key-value separator character ('=' or ':') in a stringified property.
getService() - Method in interface jade.core.Command
Query the service this command object belongs to.
getService() - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
getService() - Method in interface jade.core.HorizontalCommand
Access the service object this command belongs to.
getService() - Method in interface jade.core.Service.Slice
Access the service object which this slice is a part of.
getService() - Method in class jade.core.SliceProxy
getServiceFinder() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
getSession(ACLMessage, int) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
getSession(ACLMessage, int) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
getSession(ACLMessage, int) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
getSession(ACLMessage, int) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
getSession(ACLMessage, int) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
getSignature() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentDescription
Retrieve the value of the signature slot of this event, containing the signature string for the described agent.
getSingletonHelper() - Static method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
getSlice(String) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
The getSlice() implementation of this class works as follows: First, the name alias table is used to convert the given slice name into another name, if any Then, the new name (which may or may not be different from the original one) is used to look up an internal table keeping the service slices If no slice was found, the ServiceFinder is asked to provide the slice, which is then put into the local table.
getSlice(String) - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Retrieve by name a slice of this service.
getSlotName() - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
getSlotValue(String, Object, ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BCReflectiveIntrospector
getSlotValue(String, Object, ObjectSchema) - Method in interface jade.content.onto.Introspector
getSlotValue(String, Object, ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
getSpecifiers(String) - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Retrieve a list of Specifiers from the configuration properties.
getSpecifiers(String) - Method in class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Retrieve a list of Specifiers from the configuration properties.
getStamps() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Access the list of all the stamps.
getState(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Retrieve the child behaviour associated to the FSM state with the given name.
getState() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
Retrieve the state slot of this object.
getState() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
Retrieve the value of the state slot of this event, containing the initial state of the newly born agent.
getState() - Method in class jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
getState() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Read current agent state.
getState() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Returns an instance of PlatformState.
getString() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getString(String) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitiveSlotsHolder
Utility method that allows getting the value of attributes of type String directly as a String i.e. not wrapped into an AbsPrimitive/code>.
getSubscribe() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
Retrieve the subscribe ACL message used to subscribe to the AMS.
getSubscription(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Utility method to correctly retrieve the Subscription object that is related to the conversation message msg belongs to.
getSubscription(String) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Utility method to correctly retrieve the Subscription object that is related a given conversation.
getSubscriptionMessage(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Use createSubscriptionMessage() instead
getSubscriptions(AID) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Utility method that retrieves all Subscription-s done by a given agent
getSubscriptions() - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Utility method that retrieves all Subscription-s managed by this SubscriptionResponder
getSuperSchemas() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Retrieves an array containing the direct super-schemas of this schema.
getSystem() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentProfile
Retrieve the value of the system slot of this action, containing the runtime system of the described agent.
getTargetDescription() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
Concrete subclasses can redefine this method to provide a human readable description of the target agent of this behaviour.
getTerm() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
Gets the variable term of this IRE.
getTerminatedChildren() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Return a Collection view of the children of this ParallelBehaviour that have already completed.
getThread(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ThreadedBehaviourFactory
getTickCount() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
Retrieve how many ticks were done (i.e. how many times this behaviour was executed) since the last reset.
getTo() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.MovedAgent
Retrieve the value of the to slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the agent migrated.
getType() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
Gets the value type of this variable.
getType() - Method in class jade.content.schema.facets.TypedAggregateFacet
Get the schema associated to this facet
getType() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Retrieve the type slot of this object.
getType() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Retrieve the type slot of this object.
getType() - Method in class jade.util.Event
Retrieve the type of this event.
getTypeName() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
getTypeName() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
getTypeName() - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
getTypeName() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
getTypeName() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
getTypeName() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Retrieves the name of the type of this schema.
getUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Searches for the user defined parameter with the specified key.
getValidationMode() - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Return the currently set validation mode i.e. whether contents that are managed by this content manager should be validated during message content filling/extraction.
getValue() - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Result
getValue() - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasure
getValue() - Method in interface jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProvider
getValue() - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasureProviderImpl
getValue() - Method in interface jade.core.sam.CounterValueProvider
getValue() - Method in interface jade.core.sam.MeasureProvider
getValue() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
Retrieve the value of this property object, associated with the property name.
getValue() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnrecognisedValue
getValue() - Method in exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.UnsupportedValue
GETVALUE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
getValue() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
GETVALUE_KEY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
getValues() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MultiValueProperty
getVariable() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
Gets the variable of this IRE.
getVariables() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
Gets the sequence of variables of this IRE.
getVariance() - Method in class jade.core.sam.AverageMeasure
getVersion() - Static method in class jade.core.Runtime
getVersion() - Method in class jade.core.VersionManager
getVersionInfo() - Static method in class jade.core.Runtime
Return the version number and date of this JADE Runtime.
getVia() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject
Retrieve the via slot of this object.
getWakeupTime() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
getWhere() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedMTP
Retrieve the value of the where slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the newly added MTP was deployed.
getWhere() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
Retrieve the value of the where slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the newly added agent was born.
getWhere() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.DeadAgent
Retrieve the value of the where slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the newly dead agent was deployed.
getWhere() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedMTP
Retrieve the value of the where slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the newly removed MTP was deployed.
getWhere() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.ResumedAgent
Retrieve the value of the where slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the newly resumed agent was deployed.
getWhere() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.SuspendedAgent
Retrieve the value of the where slot of this event, containing the container identifier of the container where the newly suspended agent was deployed.
getWrappedBehaviour() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
getWrapper(String, IMTPManager) - Static method in class jade.util.TransportAddressWrapper
getZip() - Method in class jade.domain.mobility.LoadBehaviour
GUI - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile


H_GETSAMINFO - Static variable in interface jade.core.sam.SAMSlice
handle(RunnableChangedEvent) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
handle(Date, SAMInfo) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMInfoHandler
handle(Event) - Method in interface jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber.EventHandler
HANDLE_ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
HANDLE_ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
HANDLE_AGREE - Static variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES - Static variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
HANDLE_ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS - Static variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
HANDLE_CANCEL - Static variable in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
HANDLE_CFP - Static variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
HANDLE_INFORM - Static variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
HANDLE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
HANDLE_OUT_OF_SEQ - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
HANDLE_REFUSE - Static variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
HANDLE_REJECT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
HANDLE_REJECT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
HANDLE_REQUEST - Static variable in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
handleAcceptProposal(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method is called every time an accept-proposal message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleAcceptProposal(ACLMessage, ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method is called when an ACCEPT_PROPOSAL message is received from the initiator.
handleAcceptProposal(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method is called after the ACCEPT-PROPOSAL has been received.
handleAgree(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time an agree message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleAgree(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time an agree message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleAgree(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method is called every time an agree message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleAllPh0Responses(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called when all the responses of phase 0 have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllPh1Responses(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called in phase 1 when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllPh2Responses(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called in phase 2 when all the responses have been collected.
handleAllResponses(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected or when the timeout is expired.
handleAllResponses(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method is called when all the responses have been collected.
handleAllResultNotifications(Vector) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
handleAllResultNotifications(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method is called when all the result notification messages have been collected.
handleAllResultNotifications(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method is called when all the result notification messages have been collected.
handleAllResultNotifications(Vector, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
This method is called when all the result notification messages of the current round have been collected.
handleAllResultNotifications(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
This method is redefined to call the proper overloaded method
handleAllResultNotifications(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called when all the result notification messages have been collected.
handleCancel(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
This method is called when a CANCEL message is received from the initiator.
handleCancel(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
This method is called when a CANCEL message is received for a previous subscription.
handleCfp(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method is called to handle the initial CFP message.
handleCfp(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method is called when the initiator's message is received that matches the message template passed in the constructor.
handleConfirm(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method is called every time a confirm message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleConfirm(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time a confirm message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleDisconfirm(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method is called every time a disconfirm message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleDisconfirm(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time a disconfirm message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleElapsedTimeout() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
Use onWake() instead
handleEvent(JADEEvent) - Method in interface jade.core.FEListener
handleFailure(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
handleFailure(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a failure message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleFailure(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time a failure message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleGatewayConnected() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayListener
handleGatewayDisconnected() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayListener
handleInconsistentFSM(String, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.domain.DFSubscriber
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method is called every time a inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleInform(ACLMessage, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time an inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
This method is redefined to call the proper overloaded method
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method is called every time a inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method is called every time a inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleInform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method is called every time a inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleMessage(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
handleMessage(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
This is invoked when a message matching the specified template is received or the timeout has expired (the msg parameter is null in this case).
handleNotUnderstood(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
handleNotUnderstood(ContentException, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
handleNotUnderstood(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method is called every time a not-understood message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleNotUnderstood(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a not-understood message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleNotUnderstood(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
handleOldResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method is called every time a failure, a disconfirm or an inform message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleOldResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time a failure, a disconfirm or an inform message is received in phase 2, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleOutOfSequence(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method is called every time a message is received, which is out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleOutOfSequence(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a message is received, which is out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleOutOfSequence(ACLMessage, ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method is called whenever a message is received that does not comply to the protocol rules.
handleOutOfSequence(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time a message is received in phase n (use getCurrentPhase method to know the phase), which is out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handlePh1Inform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time an inform message in phase 1 is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handlePh2Inform(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time an inform message in phase 2 is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handlePropose(ACLMessage, Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method is called every time a propose message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handlePropose(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
This method is called every time a propose message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handlePropose(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method is called every time a propose message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleQueryIf(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method is called after the QUERY-IF has been received.
handleRefuse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
handleRefuse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a refuse message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleRefuse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method is called every time a refuse message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleRefuse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method is called every time a refuse message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleRefuse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method is called every time a refuse message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleRejectProposal(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method is called every time an reject-proposal message is received, which is not out-of-sequence according to the protocol rules.
handleRejectProposal(ACLMessage, ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method is called when a REJECT_PROPOSAL message is received from the initiator.
handleRejectProposal(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method is called after the REJECT-PROPOSAL has been received.
handleRequest(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
This method is called when the protocol initiation message (matching the MessageTemplate specified in the constructor) is received.
handleRequest(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
This method is called to handle the initial REQUEST message and then again whenever a REQUEST message is received.
HandlerSelector - Class in jade.proto.states
This class implements a selector of handler (i.e.
HandlerSelector(Agent, DataStore, Object) - Constructor for class jade.proto.states.HandlerSelector
Constructor for this HandlerSelector.
handleServingFailure(Throwable, Object, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
handleStateEntered(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
handleSubscription(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
This method is called when a subscription message is received that matches the message template specified in the constructor.
handleTimeout() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
handleUnsupported(Object, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
HAP_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jade.core.AID
hasByteSequenceContent() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
This method allows to check if the content of this ACLMessage is a byteSequence or a String
hasDefaultTransition(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Check if a default transition exits from a given source state.
hashCode() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
hashCode() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
hashCode() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
Returns an integer hashcode calculated from the contents of this abstract descriptor
hashCode() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
hashCode() - Method in class jade.core.AID
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jade.core.ContainerID
Hash code operation, compliant with identity-by-name.
hashCode() - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.Subscription
hashCode() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
hashCode() - Method in class jade.util.TransportAddressWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class jade.wrapper.StateBase
Returns the hash code for this state.
HashMap - Class in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.HashMap&qote; class.
HashMap() - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.HashMap
Default constructor, creates a new empty Map
HashMap(int) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.HashMap
Constructor, creates a new Map with initial size
HashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.HashMap
Constructor, creates a new Map with initial size and load factor
HashSet - Class in jade.util.leap
HashSet() - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.HashSet
HashSet(Collection) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.HashSet
HashSet(int) - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.HashSet
hasNext() - Method in class jade.util.leap.EmptyIterator
Checks whether the iterator can scan further.
hasNext() - Method in class jade.util.leap.EnumIterator
Checks whether the iterator can scan further by looking at the underlying Enumeration.
hasPlatformManager() - Method in interface jade.core.Node
here() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Method to retrieve the location this agent is currently at.
HorizontalCommand - Interface in jade.core
The HorizontalCommand interface represents those kernel-level commands that are exchanged among the slices of a given JADE service, and they are sent across the network by the platform IMTP.
HOST_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
The configuration property key that maps to the host where to connect to the JADE mediator.
HTTP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.MTP
HTTP-based MTP
HTTP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
HTTPS_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime


IGNORE_FAILURE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
User defined parameter key specifying, when set to "true", that if the delivery of a message fails, no failure handling action must be performed.
ignoreConversation(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
Makes this OntologyServer ignore all incoming messages belonging to a given conversation i.e. marked with the indicated conversation-id
IIOP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.MTP
IIOP-based MTP
IMPLIES - Static variable in interface
IMPLIES_LEFT - Static variable in interface
IMPLIES_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
IMPORT_KEY - Static variable in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
IMTP - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value identifies the IMTP Manager to be created by ProfileImpl
IN_MODE - Static variable in class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
include(Class, Class) - Method in interface jade.util.ClassFinderFilter
INCOMING - Static variable in class jade.core.Filter
A constant indicating a filter for incoming commands
indexOf(AbsTerm) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Returns the position of an element within this aggregate.
indexOf(AbsContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Returns the position of an element within this content element list.
indexOf(ContentElement) - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Returns the position of an element within this content element list.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.List
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if this list does not contain this element.
INFINITE - Static variable in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
A numeric constant to mean that the deadline for the receive operation will never expire.
INFO - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
INFO is a message level for informational messages.
INFORM - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
INFORM_IF - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
INFORM_REF - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
init() - Method in class jade.AppletBoot
init(AgentContainer, Profile) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
init(AgentContainer, Profile) - Method in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
init(AgentContainer, Profile) - Method in interface jade.core.Service
Performs the passive initialization step of the service.
init(Agent) - Method in interface jade.core.ServiceHelper
init(String, String, Object[], Properties) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
Initialize this gateway by passing the proper configuration parameters
init(String, Object[], Properties) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
Initialize this gateway by passing the proper configuration parameters
init(String, Properties) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
init(String, Object[], Properties) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
Initialize this gateway by passing the proper configuration parameters
init(String, Properties) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
init(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.LocalJadeGateway
init(String, Object[]) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.LocalJadeGateway
init(String) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.LocalJadeGateway
initialize(Profile) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMInfoHandler
initialize(Properties) - Static method in class jade.util.Logger
Initialize the logging mechanism.
initializeDataStore(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Initialize the data store.
INITIATED - Static variable in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
String constant for the initiated agent life-cycle state.
INITIATION_K - Variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object passed in the constructor of the class.
initPlatformController() - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
INOUT_MODE - Static variable in class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
InputQueue - Class in jade.util
This class implements a FIFO queue of objects that can be put and got in a synchronized way.
InputQueue() - Constructor for class jade.util.InputQueue
Default constructor.
installHandlers(Map) - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
This method has to be implemented by concrete subclasses, filling the Map passed as parameter with implementations of the EventHandler interface, using the name of the event as key (see the Event interface.
InstallMTP - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the install-MTP action of the JADE-agent-management ontology.
InstallMTP() - Constructor for class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.InstallMTP
Default constructor.
INSTALLMTP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
installMTP(String, String) - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Installs a new message transport protocol, that will run within this container.
INSTALLMTP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
INSTALLMTP_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
INSTALLMTP_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
instance() - Static method in class jade.core.Runtime
This method returns the singleton instance of this class that should be then used to create agent containers.
INTEGER - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
INTENTION - Static variable in interface
INTENTION_AGENT - Static variable in interface
INTENTION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
INTERNALERROR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
InternalError - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
InternalError(String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.InternalError
InternalError() - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.InternalError
INTERNALERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
internalise(AbsObject, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.basic.Action
internalizeAggregate(String, AbsAggregate, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BCReflectiveIntrospector
internalizeAggregate(String, AbsAggregate, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.CFReflectiveIntrospector
internalizeAggregate(String, AbsAggregate, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in interface jade.content.onto.Introspector
internalizeAggregate(String, AbsAggregate, ObjectSchema, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
internalizeSlotValue(AbsObject, Introspector, Ontology) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
internalizeSpecialType(AbsObject, ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in interface jade.content.onto.Introspector
internalizeSpecialType(AbsObject, ObjectSchema, Class, Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
interrupt() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ThreadedBehaviourFactory
Interrupt all threaded behaviours managed by this ThreadedBehaviourFactory
interrupt(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ThreadedBehaviourFactory
Interrupt a threaded behaviour.
interrupt() - Method in interface jade.core.Node
interrupt() - Method in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
Signal an interruption to this receiver, and cause the ongoing receive operation to abort.
Interrupted() - Constructor for error jade.core.Agent.Interrupted
INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
A numeric constant to mean that the receive operation was interrupted.
IntrospectionOntology - Class in jade.domain.introspection
This class represents the ontology jade-introspection, containing all JADE extensions related to agent and platform monitoring.
IntrospectionServer - Class in jade.domain.introspection
IntrospectionServer(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
IntrospectionVocabulary - Interface in jade.domain.introspection
This interface contains all the string constants for frame and slot names of exceptions defined in the jade-introspection ontology.
Introspector - Interface in jade.content.onto
This interface defines the methods to convert objects of ontological classes into/from abstract descriptors.
invokeOnTermination(Runnable) - Method in class jade.core.Runtime
Allows setting a Runnable that is executed when the last container in this JVM terminates.
IOTA - Static variable in interface
IP_VERSION - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value contains the version of IP address to use.
IPV4 - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
IPV6 - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
IRESchema - Class in jade.content.schema
This class represents the schema of an Identifying Referential Expression (IRE) in an ontology.
IRESchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
Creates a IRESchema with a given type-name.
isAContentExpression() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAgentAction
isAContentExpression() - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsContentElement
Return true if this Abstract Content Element represents a ContentExpression of the SL Grammar (see also FIPA-SL specifications).
isAContentExpression() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
isAContentExpression() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
isAContentExpression() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPredicate
isAggregateObject(Object) - Method in class jade.content.onto.BCReflectiveIntrospector
isAlive() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Returns true if the agent implemented by this Agent object is alive (regardless of the actual agent internal state).
isAllowed(String, String) - Method in class jade.util.AccessControlList
A specific client is allowed if: it is not present into the black list, AND it is present into the white list.
isAssignableFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
isAssignableFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
This method checks whether or not an abstract object that is an instance of schema s can be used in place of an abstract object that is an instance of this schema.
isAssignableFrom(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.PrimitiveSchema
isBackupMain() - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Provides a boolean indication about whether or not the container using this Profile is a Backup Main Container.
isBaseOntology(Ontology[], String) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.Ontology
isBlocking() - Method in class jade.core.Filter
Inquires the blocking state of this filter.
isCompatibleWith(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
An IRE can be put whereever a term of whatever type is required --> An IRESchema is compatible with s if s descends from TermSchema.getBaseSchema()
isCompatibleWith(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Check if this schema is compatible with a given schema s.
isCompatibleWith(ObjectSchema) - Method in class jade.content.schema.VariableSchema
A variable can be put whereever a term of whatever type is required --> A VariableSchema is compatible with s if s descends from TermSchema.getBaseSchema()
isDifferential() - Method in class jade.core.sam.AbsoluteCounterValueProvider
isDifferential() - Method in interface jade.core.sam.CounterValueProvider
isDifferential() - Method in class jade.core.sam.DifferentialCounterValueProvider
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Test if the aggregate is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Test if the content element list is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Test if the content element list is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface jade.core.MessageQueue
Return true when this queue contains no messages.
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
isEmpty() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Collection
Checks if the collection contains elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
isEmpty() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class jade.util.leap.SortedSetImpl
isGatewayActive() - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
Return the state of JadeGateway
isGatewayActive() - Static method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
Return the state of JadeGateway
isGatewayActive() - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.SplitJadeGateway
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Tests if this AbsAggregate is grounded, i.e., if no one of its elements is associated with a variable
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Tests if this AbsContentElementList is grounded, i.e., if no one of its elements is associated with a variable
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsExtendedPrimitive
Tests if this AbsExtendedPrimitive is grounded.
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsIRE
Redefine the isGrounded() method in order to always return false.
isGrounded() - Method in interface jade.content.abs.AbsObject
Tests if the object is grounded, i.e., if no one of its attributes is associated with a variable
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsObjectImpl
Tests if the object is grounded, i.e., if no one of its attributes is associated with a variable
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPrimitive
Tests if this AbsPrimitive is grounded.
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
Redefine the isGrounded() method in order to always return false.
isGrounded() - Method in class jade.content.onto.ConceptSlotFunction
ISGUID - Static variable in class jade.core.AID
constant to be used in the constructor of the AID
isJoined() - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
isJoined() - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
isLocal() - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
isLocalAgent(AID) - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
isLocalHost(String) - Static method in class jade.core.Profile
Check whether or not a given host name or address corresponds to a local network interface
ISLOCALNAME - Static variable in class jade.core.AID
constant to be used in the constructor of the AID
isMain() - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Provides a boolean indication about whether or not the container using this Profile is a Main Container.
isMandatory(String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Indicate whether a slot of this schema is mandatory
isMasterMain() - Method in class jade.core.Profile
Provides a boolean indication about whether or not the container using this Profile is the Master Main Container.
isMetaFormula() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsPredicate
Return true if this object represents a meta formula (symbol ??
isMetaTerm() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsVariable
Return true if this object represents a meta term (i.e. symbol ??
ISO8601 - Class in jade.lang.acl
This class contains a set of static methods that convert to/from the Date Time format adopted by FIPA.
ISO8601() - Constructor for class jade.lang.acl.ISO8601
Default constructor.
isOwnSlot(String) - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Indicate whether a given String is the name of a slot actually defined in this Schema (excluding super-schemas)
isRestarting() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method returns true when this agent is restarting after a crash.
isRunnable() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Returns whether this Behaviour object is blocked or not.
isRunning() - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
Tells whether a JADE Front End container is currently running within this JVM.
isSessionTerminated(ACLMessage) - Static method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
Check if the responder has closed the session just after sending this inform message.
isSkipping() - Method in class jade.core.Filter
Inquires the skipping state of this filter.
isSuccessful() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
isWorking() - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
ITERATED_FIPA_REQUEST - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPANames.InteractionProtocol
The Iterated-Fipa-Request interaction protocol.
IteratedAchieveREInitiator - Class in jade.proto
This class implements the initiator role in the iterated version of fipa-request like interaction protocols.
IteratedAchieveREInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage) - Constructor for class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
Construct an IteratedAchieveREInitiator with an empty DataStore
IteratedAchieveREInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
Construct an IteratedAchieveREInitiator with a given DataStore
iterator() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
iterator() - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
iterator() - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
iterator() - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
iterator() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Collection
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.
iterator() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
Iterator - Interface in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.Iterator&qote; interface.
iterator() - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
iterator() - Method in class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this list.
iterator() - Method in class jade.util.leap.SortedSetImpl


jade - package jade
This package simply contains classes to bootstrap JADE system.
jade.content - package jade.content
jade.content.abs - package jade.content.abs
jade.content.lang - package jade.content.lang
jade.content.lang.leap - package jade.content.lang.leap - package
jade.content.onto - package jade.content.onto
jade.content.onto.annotations - package jade.content.onto.annotations
jade.content.onto.basic - package jade.content.onto.basic
jade.content.schema - package jade.content.schema
jade.content.schema.facets - package jade.content.schema.facets
jade.core - package jade.core
This package contains the microkernel of JADE system.
jade.core.behaviours - package jade.core.behaviours
This package is a subpackage of jade.core and contains the classes used to implement basic agent behaviours.
jade.core.resource - package jade.core.resource
jade.core.sam - package jade.core.sam
jade.domain - package jade.domain
This package and its sub-packages contains FIPA specific agents and ontologies.
jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement - package jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This package contains the definition of the FIPA-Agent-Management ontology as specified by the FIPA standard FIPA Agent Management Specification - document no. 23 version H (15th August 2001).
jade.domain.introspection - package jade.domain.introspection
This package contains the definition of the ontology used by JADE for internal monitoring of the agent platform and running agents.
jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement - package jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This package contains the definition of the JADE-Agent-Management ontology, the vocabulary with the list of used symbols, and all the Java classes that implement the concepts of the ontology.
jade.domain.mobility - package jade.domain.mobility
This package contains the definition of the JADE-mobility ontology, the vocabulary with the list of used symbols, and all the Java classes that implement the concepts of the ontology.
jade.lang.acl - package jade.lang.acl
This package contains the support for the FIPA Agent Communication Language (ACL) including the ACLMessage class, the parser, the encoder, and an helper class for representing templates of ACL messages.
jade.proto - package jade.proto
This package contains role behaviours for FIPA standard protocols.
jade.proto.states - package jade.proto.states
This package contains classes for common states of an interaction protocol, such as "waiting for a given message", "selecting between a number of alternatives", ...
jade.util - package jade.util
This package contains utility classes and in particular: classes for handling properties in an extended way (see the Tutorial), the Logger class for logging capabilities; the leap subpackage, that is a replacement for the Java collection framework that is not supported by J2ME.
jade.util.leap - package jade.util.leap
This package contains a set of classes that provides a replacement for the Java collection framework that is not supported by J2ME.
jade.wrapper - package jade.wrapper
Together with the classes jade.core.Profile and jade.core.Runtime this package provides support for the JADE in-process interface that allows external Java applications to use JADE as a kind of library and to launch the JADE Runtime from within the application itself.
jade.wrapper.gateway - package jade.wrapper.gateway
This is a subpackage of jade.wrapper and contains a set of classes that enables a non-JADE application to issue commands to a JADE-based application.
JADE_TWO_PHASE_COMMIT - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
JadeGateway - Class in jade.wrapper.gateway
This class provides a simple yet powerful gateway between some non-JADE code and a JADE based multi agent system.
JADEManagementOntology - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the JADE-Agent-Management-ontology i.e. the set of concepts, actions and predicates that relates to the JADE specific actions that can be requested to the JADE AMS and DF.
JADEManagementVocabulary - Interface in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This interface contains all the string constants for frame and slot names of exceptions defined in the jade-agent-management ontology.
JavaCollectionOntology - Class in jade.content.onto
JavaTypeFacet - Class in jade.content.schema.facets
JavaTypeFacet(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.facets.JavaTypeFacet
Construct a JavaTypeFacet that set the java type


keepRegistered(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription, Date) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Add a suitable behaviour that ensures that a DF-Description currently registered with a DF is kept registered until a given deadline.
keySet() - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
keySet() - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
kill() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Triggers a state transition from ACTIVE to DELETED.
kill() - Method in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
Shuts down this container, terminating all the agents running within it.
kill() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Kill the agent platform.
killAgent(String) - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
Kill an agent.
KILLAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
KillAgent - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the kill-agent action of the JADE-agent-management ontology.
KillAgent() - Constructor for class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.KillAgent
Default constructor.
KILLAGENT_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
KILLAGENT_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
KILLCONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
KillContainer - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the kill-container action of the JADE-agent-management ontology.
KillContainer() - Constructor for class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.KillContainer
Default constructor.
KILLCONTAINER_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
KILLCONTAINER_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
KILLCONTAINERREQUESTED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
KillContainerRequested - Class in jade.domain.introspection
This class represents the kill-container-requested concept in the jade-introspection ontology.
KillContainerRequested() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.KillContainerRequested
Default constructor.
KILLCONTAINERREQUESTED_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
KILLED_PLATFORM - Static variable in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
String constant for the name of the killed-platform event.
killedPlatform(PlatformEvent) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController.Listener
Called when the platform is killed (destroyed).
KO - Static variable in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager


language - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
LAST - Static variable in class jade.core.Filter
The constant indicating the last position in the filter chain
lastStates - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
LATENT - Static variable in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.AMSAgentDescription
String constant for the latent agent life-cycle state.
LEAP_IMTP - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
LEAPACLCodec - Class in jade.lang.acl
This class implements the LEAP codec for ACLMessages.
LEAPACLCodec() - Constructor for class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
LEAPCodec - Class in jade.content.lang.leap
Content language codec for the LEAP language
LEAPCodec() - Constructor for class jade.content.lang.leap.LEAPCodec
Construct a LEAPCodec object i.e. a Codec for the LEAP language
LinkedList - Class in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.ArrayList&qote; class.
LinkedList() - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
Default Constructor, creates an empty List
list(PrintStream) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
List properties to provided PrintStream.
List - Interface in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.List&qote; interface.
load(InputStream) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Add properties from a specified InputStream.
load(String) - Method in class jade.util.leap.Properties
Load a set of key-value pairs from a given storage element.
LOAD_BEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
LOAD_BEHAVIOUR_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
LOAD_BEHAVIOUR_CODE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
LOAD_BEHAVIOUR_PARAMETERS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
LOAD_BEHAVIOUR_ZIP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
LoadBehaviour - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This action represents a request to load a Behaviour whose code is not included in the classpath of the JVM where the agent that is going to execute the behaviour lives.
LoadBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.LoadBehaviour
LoaderBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
This behaviour serves behaviour-loading requests according to the Behaviour-loading ontology.
LoaderBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
Construct a LoaderBehaviour.
LoaderBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
Construct a LoaderBehaviour to be executed by a given agent.
LoaderBehaviour(Agent, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.LoaderBehaviour
Construct a LoaderBehaviour to be executed by a given agent and that will use a given class loader to load behaviours whose code is not embedded in the LoadBehaviour request.
LOCAL_HOST - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value contains the host name the container must bind on.
LOCAL_PORT - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the TCP port the container node must listen to for incoming IMTP messages.
LOCAL_SERVICE_MANAGER - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose Boolean value tells whether a local Service Manager is exported by this container (only when using JADE support for fault-tolerant platform configurations).
LOCALHOST_CONSTANT - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
LocalJadeGateway - Class in jade.wrapper.gateway
LocalJadeGateway(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.wrapper.gateway.LocalJadeGateway
Location - Interface in jade.core
Abstract interface to represent JADE network locations.
LOCATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
LOCATION_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
LOCATION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
LOCATION_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
Logger - Class in jade.util
This class provides a uniform API to produce logs over a set of different and device-dependent logging mechanisms.
lookupAlias(String) - Method in class jade.core.BaseService
This protected method is used by getSlice() to dereference aliases for slice names.
lookupLanguage(String) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Retrieves a previously registered Codec giving its name.
lookupOntology(String) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Retrieves a previously registered Ontology giving its name.
LOOPBACK_ADDRESS_CONSTANT - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile


main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.Boot
Fires up the JADE system.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
MAIN - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value contains a boolean indicating if this is the Main Container or a peripheral container.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.ISO8601
The main is here only for debugging.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.MicroBoot
Fires up the JADE runtime.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
For testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Just for Debugging this implementation.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.util.Toolkit
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.AgentState
For testing, simply list the valid state descriptions and numbers.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jade.wrapper.PlatformState
For testing, simply list the valid state descriptions and numbers.
MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
MAIN_HOST - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value is the name (or the IP address) of the network host where the JADE Main Container is running.
MAIN_PORT - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value contains an integer representing the port number where the Main Container is listening for container registrations.
MAIN_PROTO - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value is a String indicating the protocol to use to connect to the Main Container.
MAIN_SLICE - Static variable in class jade.core.BaseService
MAIN_SLICE - Static variable in interface jade.core.ServiceFinder
MainDetectionManager - Class in jade.core
MainDetectionManager() - Constructor for class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
MANDATORY - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Canstant value indicating that a slot in a schema is mandatory, i.e. its value must not be null
Map - Interface in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.Map&qote; interface.
match(Property) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MultiValueProperty
match(Property) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
match(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
Matches an ACL message against this MessageTemplate object.
match(ACLMessage) - Method in interface jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate.MatchExpression
Check whether a given ACL message matches this template.
MatchAll() - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message.
MatchContent(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :content slot.
MatchConversationId(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :conversation-id slot.
MatchCustom(ACLMessage, boolean) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches ACL messages against a given one, passed as parameter.
MatchEncoding(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :encoding slot.
MatchInReplyTo(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :in-reply-to slot.
MatchLanguage(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :language slot.
MatchOntology(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :ontology slot.
MatchPerformative(int) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given performative.
MatchProtocol(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :protocol slot.
MatchReceiver(AID[]) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :receiver slot.
MatchReplyByDate(Date) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :reply-by slot.
MatchReplyTo(AID[]) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :reply-to slot.
MatchReplyWith(String) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :reply-with slot.
MatchSender(AID) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message with a given :sender slot.
MatchTopic(AID) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
This Factory Method returns a message template that matches any message about a given topic.
MeasureProvider - Interface in jade.core.sam
A Provider of "one-shot" measures for a given entity
MessageQueue - Interface in jade.core
The interface to be implemented by agent message queue implementations
MessageTemplate - Class in jade.lang.acl
A pattern for matching incoming ACL messages.
MessageTemplate(MessageTemplate.MatchExpression) - Constructor for class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
Public constructor to use when the user needs to define an application specific pattern.
MessageTemplate.MatchExpression - Interface in jade.lang.acl
This interface must be overriden in order to define an application specific MessageTemplate.
META_RESETEVENTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
MicroBoot - Class in jade
Main class to start JADE as a split-container.
MicroBoot() - Constructor for class jade.MicroBoot
Default constructor.
MicroRuntime - Class in jade.core
This class is used to start up the JADE runtime as a split (front-end) container.
MicroRuntime() - Constructor for class jade.core.MicroRuntime
MISSING_PARAM_POLICY_FAIL - Static variable in class jade.util.Toolkit
MISSING_PARAM_POLICY_LEAVE - Static variable in class jade.util.Toolkit
MISSING_PARAM_POLICY_REMOVE - Static variable in class jade.util.Toolkit
MISSINGARGUMENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
MissingArgument - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
MissingArgument() - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingArgument
MissingArgument(String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingArgument
MISSINGARGUMENT_ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
MISSINGPARAMETER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
MissingParameter - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
MissingParameter() - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingParameter
MissingParameter(String, String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MissingParameter
MISSINGPARAMETER_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
MISSINGPARAMETER_PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION_AGENT_PROFILE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION_AGENT_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION_DESTINATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_LANGUAGE_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_LANGUAGE_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_LANGUAGE_MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_LANGUAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_OS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_OS_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_OS_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_OS_MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_OS_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_PROFILE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_PROFILE_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_PROFILE_OS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_PROFILE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_SYSTEM_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_SYSTEM_MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MOBILE_AGENT_SYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MobileAgentDescription - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the mobile-agent-description concept.
MobileAgentDescription() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentDescription
Default constructor.
MobileAgentLanguage - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the mobile-agent-language concept.
MobileAgentLanguage() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentLanguage
Default constructor.
MobileAgentOS - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the mobile-agent-os concept.
MobileAgentOS() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentOS
Default constructor.
MobileAgentProfile - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the mobile-agent-profile concept.
MobileAgentProfile() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentProfile
Default constructor.
MobileAgentSystem - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the mobile-agent-system concept.
MobileAgentSystem() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.MobileAgentSystem
Default constructor.
MobilityOntology - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the ontology used for JADE mobility.
MobilityVocabulary - Interface in jade.domain.mobility
This interface contains all the string constants for frame and slot names of exceptions defined in the jade-mobility-ontology ontology.
modify(Agent, AID, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
Modifies data contained within a AMS agent.
modify(Agent, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
The AID of the AMS is defaulted to the AMS of this platform.
modify(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Modifies a previously registered DF-Description within a DF agent.
modify(Agent, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Modify a DFAgentDescription from the default DF.
MODIFY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
Modify - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the modify action of the fipa-agent-management ontology.
Modify() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Modify
Default constructor.
MODIFY_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
MODIFY_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Modify
A string constant for the description slot name.
moreAcceptances(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method can be called to send acceptances to responder agents that replied with PROPOSE not all together but in more tranches.
MOVE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
move(Location) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Triggers a state transition from ACTIVE to TRANSIT.
MOVE_MOBILE_AGENT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.MobilityVocabulary
MoveAction - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This class represents the move-agent action, requesting to move an agent within the platform.
MoveAction() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.MoveAction
Default constructor.
MOVEDAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
MovedAgent - Class in jade.domain.introspection
An introspection event, recording the migration of an agent within the platform.
MovedAgent() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.MovedAgent
Default constructor.
MOVEDAGENT_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
MOVEDAGENT_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
MOVEDAGENT_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
msg - Variable in exception jade.domain.FIPAException
MSG_QUEUE_CLASS - Static variable in class jade.core.Agent
MsgReceiver - Class in jade.proto.states
This behaviour is a simple implementation of a message receiver.
MsgReceiver(Agent, MessageTemplate, long, DataStore, Object) - Constructor for class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
MTPS - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the key of the property whose value contains the list of MTPs that have to be launched at bootstrap time.
MULTI_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
MultiValueProperty - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
MultiValueProperty() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MultiValueProperty
MultiValueProperty(String, List) - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.MultiValueProperty
myAgent - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
The agent this behaviour belongs to.
myAgent - Variable in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
myFinder - Variable in class jade.core.BaseService
myLogger - Variable in class jade.core.BaseService
myLogger - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
myLogger - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
myPlatformController - Variable in class jade.wrapper.ContainerController
mySubscriptionManager - Variable in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
The SubscriptionManager used by this SubscriptionResponder to register subscriptions


NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.lang.leap.LEAPCodec
NAME - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.VariableSchema
NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ExceptionVocabulary
A symbolic constant, containing the name of this ontology.
NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
A symbolic constant, containing the name of this ontology.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedContainer
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.AddedMTP
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.BornAgent
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.DeadAgent
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionOntology
A symbolic constant, containing the name of this ontology.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.KillContainerRequested
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.MovedAgent
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedContainer
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedMTP
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.ResetEvents
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.ResumedAgent
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.ShutdownPlatformRequested
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.SuspendedAgent
A string constant for the name of this event.
NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
A symbolic constant, containing the name of this ontology.
NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
A symbolic constant, containing the name of this ontology.
NAME - Static variable in class jade.domain.mobility.MobilityOntology
NAME - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
NAME - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.StringACLCodec
String constant for the name of the ACL representation managed by this ACL codec.
NEW_NODE - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a new node is added
NEW_REPLICA - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a new main replica is added
NEW_SLICE - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on the Main container whenever a new slice of a given service is added
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.AgentActionSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold an agent action of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.AggregateSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold an aggregate of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ConceptSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a concept of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementListSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a content element list
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ContentElementSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a content element of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a ire of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold an object compliant to this Schema.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a predicate of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.PrimitiveSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a primitive of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.TermSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a term of the proper type.
newInstance() - Method in class jade.content.schema.VariableSchema
Creates an Abstract descriptor to hold a variable
newIteration(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method can be called (typically within the handleAllResponses() method) to activate a new iteration (this means we are implementing an Iterated-Contract-Net protocol).
next() - Method in class jade.util.leap.EmptyIterator
Retrieves the next element in the collection scanned by this iterator.
next() - Method in class jade.util.leap.EnumIterator
Retrieves the next element in the collection scanned by this iterator, forwarding the request to the underlying Enumeration.
NO_CLONE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
User defined parameter key specifying that this message does not need to be cloned by the message delivery service.
NO_DISPLAY - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant, when set to true tells the JADE runtime that it will be executed in an environment with no display available.
NO_MTP - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
NO_REPLY_SENT - Static variable in class jade.proto.states.ReplySender
Node - Interface in jade.core
This interface represents a node of a JADE platform (i.e. a component that can host a slice of a platform-level service).
NOT - Static variable in interface
not(MessageTemplate) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
Logical not of a MessageTemplate object.
NOT_UNDERSTOOD - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
NOT_WHAT - Static variable in interface
NotFoundException - Exception in jade.core
This exception is thrown when some component (agent, agent container, etc.)
NotFoundException() - Constructor for exception jade.core.NotFoundException
Construct a NotFoundException with no detail message
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.core.NotFoundException
Construct a NotFoundException with the given message.
notify(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.Subscription
This method allows sending back a notification message to the subscribed agent associated to this Subscription object.
notifyProcessed(Object) - Method in class jade.util.Event
Wakes up threads waiting for the processing of this Event object within the waitUntilProcessed() method.
NOTREGISTERED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
NotRegistered - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
NotRegistered() - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.NotRegistered
NOTREGISTERED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
NotUnderstoodException - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
NotUnderstoodException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.NotUnderstoodException
NotUnderstoodException(ACLMessage) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.NotUnderstoodException
NULL - Static variable in annotation type jade.content.onto.annotations.Slot
NULL_SPECIFIER_LIST - Static variable in class jade.core.Specifier


O2AException - Exception in jade.wrapper
O2AException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.wrapper.O2AException
ObjectSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
The common ancestor of all ontological schemas.
ObjectSchema() - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
OCCURRED - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
OCCURRED_WHAT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
OFF - Static variable in class jade.util.Logger
Special level to be used to turn off logging
OK - Static variable in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
onDeregister(DFAgentDescription) - Method in class jade.domain.DFSubscriber
onEnd() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
onEnd() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
This method is just an empty placeholder for subclasses.
onEnd() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Override the onEnd() method to return the exit value of the last executed state.
onEnd() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
onEnd() - Method in class jade.proto.states.ReplySender
onEnd() - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
onEnd() - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
onEnd() - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayBehaviour
OneShotBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Atomic behaviour that executes just once.
OneShotBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OneShotBehaviour
Default constructor.
OneShotBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OneShotBehaviour
This constructor sets the owner agent for this OneShotBehaviour.
onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface jade.util.Callback
onRegister(DFAgentDescription) - Method in class jade.domain.DFSubscriber
onStart() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
This method is just an empty placeholders for subclasses.
onStart() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
onStart() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
onStart() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
onStart() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
onStart() - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
onStart() - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Override the onStart() method to initialize the vectors that will keep all the replies in the data store.
onStart() - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
onSuccess(Result) - Method in interface jade.util.Callback
onTick() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
This method is invoked periodically with the period defined in the constructor.
OntoACLMessage - Class in jade.content
Utility class that allow using an ACLMessage object as an ontological agent action.
OntoACLMessage() - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoACLMessage
Construct an ontological ACL message whose performative is ACLMessage.NOT_UNDERSTOOD
OntoACLMessage(int) - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoACLMessage
Construct an ontological ACL message with a given performative
OntoAID - Class in jade.content
Utility class that allow using an AID object as an ontological concept.
OntoAID() - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoAID
Constructs an ontological Agent-Identifier whose slot name is set to an empty string
OntoAID(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jade.content.OntoAID
Constructor for an ontological Agent-identifier
Ontology - Class in jade.content.onto
An application-specific ontology describes the elements that agents can use within content of messages.
Ontology(String, Ontology) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that extends a given ontology.
Ontology(String, Introspector) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that uses a given Introspector to convert between Java objects and abstract descriptors.
Ontology(String, Ontology, Introspector) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that extends a given ontology and that uses a given Introspector to convert between Java objects and abstract descriptors.
Ontology(String, Ontology[], Introspector) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.Ontology
Construct an Ontology object with a given name that extends a given set of ontologies and that uses a given Introspector to convert between Java objects and abstract descriptors.
ontology - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class
OntologyException - Exception in jade.content.onto
Generic exception of the content support.
OntologyException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.content.onto.OntologyException
Construct an OntologyException with a given message.
OntologyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.content.onto.OntologyException
OntologyServer - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Ready made behaviour that for each incoming message automatically invokes a corresponding method of the form
public void serveCcccPppp(Cccc c, ACLMessage msg) throws Exception
where Cccc represents the key content-element referenced by the incoming message msg and Pppp represents the performative of the message.
OntologyServer(Agent, Ontology, int) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
OntologyServer(Agent, Ontology, int[]) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
OntologyServer(Agent, Ontology, int, Object) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
OntologyServer(Agent, Ontology, int[], Object) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
onWake() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
This method is invoked when the deadline defined in the constructor is reached (or when the timeout specified in the constructor expires).
OPTIONAL - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.ObjectSchema
Canstant value indicating that a slot in a schema is optional, i.e. its value can be null
OR - Static variable in interface
or(MessageTemplate, MessageTemplate) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate
Logical or between two MessageTemplate objects.
OR_LEFT - Static variable in interface
OR_RIGHT - Static variable in interface
OUT_MODE - Static variable in class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
outcome - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
OutcomeManager - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Utility class to manage the outcome of a behaviour in a uniform way
OutcomeManager(Behaviour) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
OUTGOING - Static variable in class jade.core.Filter
A constant indicating a filter for outgoing commands
OWNER_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
The key to retrieve the owner of the starting container.


ParallelBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Composite behaviour with concurrent children scheduling.
ParallelBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Construct a ParallelBehaviour without setting the owner agent, and using the default termination condition (i.e. the parallel behaviour terminates as soon as all its children behaviours terminate.
ParallelBehaviour(int) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Construct a ParallelBehaviour without setting the owner agent.
ParallelBehaviour(Agent, int) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Construct a ParallelBehaviour setting the owner agent.
PARAMETER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
Parameter - Class in jade.domain.mobility
This concept represents a parameter to be passed to a Behaviour in the dynamic loading procedure.
Parameter() - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
Parameter(String, Object) - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
Parameter(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class jade.domain.mobility.Parameter
PARAMETER_MODE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
PARAMETER_VALUE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.mobility.BehaviourLoadingVocabulary
parseAID(SimpleSLTokenizer) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
The parser content has the form: agent-identifier ......)
parseAID(SimpleSLTokenizer) - Static method in class jade.domain.FIPAService
The parser content has the form: agent-identifier ......)
parseCmdLineArgs(String[]) - Static method in class jade.Boot
parseCmdLineArgs(String[]) - Static method in class jade.MicroBoot
parseList(String, char) - Static method in class jade.core.Specifier
parseSpecifier(String, char) - Static method in class jade.core.Specifier
Utility method that parses a stringified object specifier in the form name:className(separated arglist) a Specifier object.
parseSpecifierList(String) - Static method in class jade.core.Specifier
This static utility method can parse the string representation of a list of specifiers.
PermittedValuesFacet - Class in jade.content.schema.facets
This facet forces an AbsPrimitive to contain a specific set of values.
PermittedValuesFacet(Object[]) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.facets.PermittedValuesFacet
Construct a PermittedValuesFacet that forces an AbsPrimitive to contain a specific set of values
PERSISTENT_GOAL - Static variable in interface
PERSISTENT_GOAL_AGENT - Static variable in interface
PERSISTENT_GOAL_CONDITION - Static variable in interface
PH0 - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
PH0_STATE - Static variable in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
PH1 - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
PH1_STATE - Static variable in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
PH1_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
PH2 - Static variable in interface jade.proto.TwoPhConstants
PH2_STATE - Static variable in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
ping(boolean) - Method in interface jade.core.Node
Performs a ping operation on this node, to check whether it is still alive.
PLATFORM_EVENTS - Static variable in class jade.domain.introspection.AMSSubscriber
PLATFORM_ID - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value contains the unique platform ID of a JADE platform.
PlatformController - Interface in jade.wrapper
Defines those methods which are permitted on a platform.
PlatformController.Listener - Interface in jade.wrapper
Inner callback interface to receive platform events.
PLATFORMDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
PLATFORMDESCRIPTION_PLATFORM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
PlatformEvent - Interface in jade.wrapper

NOT available in MIDP
PlatformID - Class in jade.core
Description here
PlatformID() - Constructor for class jade.core.PlatformID
PlatformID(AID) - Constructor for class jade.core.PlatformID
PLATFORMID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
platformManagerDead(String, String) - Method in interface jade.core.Node
PlatformState - Class in jade.wrapper
Provides a concrete implementation of the State interface for agent platforms.
POLLING_PERIOD - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
POLLING_PERIOD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
PORT_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
The configuration property key that maps to the port where to connect to the JADE mediator.
POSTEDMESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
POSTEDMESSAGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
POSTEDMESSAGE_RECEIVER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
POSTEDMESSAGE_SENDER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
postMessage(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Put a received message into the agent message queue.
postProcess(VerticalCommand) - Method in class jade.core.Filter
Post-process a command object after it has been processed by the successive filters in the filter chain.
Predicate - Interface in jade.content
Generic interface to be implemented by classes associated to predicates in an ontology.
PredicateSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
The class to be used to define schemas of predicates in an ontology.
PredicateSchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.PredicateSchema
Creates a PredicateSchema with a given type-name, e.g.
PREPARE_INITIATIONS - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
PREPARE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
prepareAcceptances(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareCfps(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareCfps(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareCfps(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhInitiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareInitiations(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareQueryIfs(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareRequest(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method must return the ACLMessage to be sent.
prepareRequests(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.BaseInitiator
prepareRequests(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method must return the vector of ACLMessage objects to be sent.
prepareResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
Use handleRequest() instead
prepareResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Use handleCfp() instead
prepareResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
This method is called when the initiator's message is received that matches the message template passed in the constructor.
prepareResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
This method is called when the initiator's message is received that matches the message template passed in the constructor.
prepareResponse(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Use handleSubscription() instead
prepareResultNotification(ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
This method is called after the execution of the handleRequest() method if no response was sent or the response was an AGREE message.
prepareResultNotification(ACLMessage, ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Use handleAcceptProposal() instead.
prepareResultNotification(ACLMessage, ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
This method is called after the response has been sent and only when one of the folliwing two cases arise: the response was an agree message OR no response message was sent.
prepareSubscriptions(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method must return the vector of subscription ACLMessage objects to be sent.
PRESERVE_JAVA_TYPES - Static variable in class
PrimitiveSchema - Class in jade.content.schema
This class represent the schema of primitive entities in an ontology.
PrimitiveSchema(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.PrimitiveSchema
Creates a PrimitiveSchema with a given type-name.
println(String) - Static method in class jade.util.Logger
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jade.lang.acl.ACLCodec.CodecException
Print the stack trace for this exception on the standard output stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception jade.util.WrapperException
Prints the stack trace of this exception.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception jade.util.WrapperException
printUsage() - Static method in class jade.Boot
PRIVILEDGE_LOGICAL_NAME - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value (true or false) instructs JADE to try to use host names instead of IP addresses in intra-platform communication.
processCommand(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayAgent
subclasses may implement this method.
processCommand(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayBehaviour
subclasses must implement this method.
Profile - Class in jade.core
This class allows retrieving configuration-dependent classes.
Profile() - Constructor for class jade.core.Profile
ProfileException - Exception in jade.core
This class represents an exception related to JADE profile creation or management.
ProfileException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.core.ProfileException
Construct a ProfileException with the given message.
ProfileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.core.ProfileException
Constructs a ProfileException with the specified detail message, wrapping the given Throwableobject.
ProfileImpl - Class in jade.core
This class allows the JADE core to retrieve configuration-dependent classes and boot parameters.
ProfileImpl(Properties) - Constructor for class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Creates a Profile implementation using the given properties to configure the platform startup process.
ProfileImpl(boolean) - Constructor for class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Creates a Profile implementation with the following default configuration:
if isMain is true, then the profile is configured to launch a main-container on the localhost, RMI internal Message Transport Protocol, port number 1099, HTTP MTP.
ProfileImpl() - Constructor for class jade.core.ProfileImpl
This is equivalent to ProfileImpl(true)
ProfileImpl(String) - Constructor for class jade.core.ProfileImpl
Create a Profile object initialized with the settings specified in a given property file
ProfileImpl(String, int, String) - Constructor for class jade.core.ProfileImpl
This constructor creates a default Profile for launching a platform (i.e. a main container!!
ProfileImpl(String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jade.core.ProfileImpl
This constructor creates a default Profile for launching a main (or non-main) container (depending on the value of isMain)
PROPAGATE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
propagateError(String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OutcomeManager
Used to propagate an already logged error through a hierarchy of behaviours
Properties - Class in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;java.util.Properties&qote; class.
Properties() - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.Properties
Default constructor.
PropertiesException - Exception in jade.util
Property related exception.
PropertiesException() - Constructor for exception jade.util.PropertiesException
Constructs a ApplicationException with null as its error detail message.
PropertiesException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.util.PropertiesException
Construct a PropertiesException with the specified detail message.
PROPERTY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
Property - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the property type, a pair of a name and value.
Property() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
Default constructor.
Property(String, Object) - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Property
Create a property object, with the given name and value pair.
PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
PROPERTY_VALUE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
PROPOSE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
PROPOSE_ACCEPTANCE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Use either ACCEPT_PROPOSAL_KEY or REJECT_PROPOSAL_KEY according to the message that has been received
PROPOSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent by the initiator.
PROPOSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last sent PROPOSE ACLMessage
ProposeInitiator - Class in jade.proto
This class implements the Fipa-Propose interaction protocol with an API similar and homogeneous to AchieveREInitiator.
ProposeInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Construct a ProposeInitiator with an empty DataStore
ProposeInitiator(Agent, ACLMessage, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Construct a ProposeInitiator with a given DataStore
ProposeResponder - Class in jade.proto
Behaviour class for fipa-propose Responder role.
ProposeResponder(Agent, MessageTemplate) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
Constructor of the behaviour that creates a new empty DataStore
ProposeResponder(Agent, MessageTemplate, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
PROPOSITION - Static variable in class jade.content.schema.IRESchema
PROTO_ADDR_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_ADDRESSES_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_CMD_GETMAIN - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_CMD_PING - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_ENCODING - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
The configuration property key that maps to the protocol that must be used to connect to the JADE mediator.
PROTO_RESP_ERR - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_RESP_NOTFOUND - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_RESP_OK - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
PROTO_VERSION - Static variable in class jade.core.MainDetectionManager
Provider - Interface in jade.core.sam
PROXY - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Set property value to specified object.
put(Object) - Method in class jade.util.InputQueue
Insert an object into the queue.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
putBack(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Puts a received ACL message back into the message queue.
putO2AObject(Object, boolean) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method should not be used by application code.
putO2AObject(Object, boolean) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.AgentController
Passes an application-specific object to a local agent, created using JADE In-Process Interface.


QUERY_IF - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
QUERY_PLATFORM_LOCATIONS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
QUERY_REF - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
QUERYAGENTSONLOCATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
QueryAgentsOnLocation - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the query-agents-on-location action of the JADE-agent-management ontology.
QueryAgentsOnLocation() - Constructor for class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.QueryAgentsOnLocation
Default constructor.
QUERYAGENTSONLOCATION_LOCATION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.JADEManagementVocabulary
QUERYIF_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object passed in the constructor of the class.
QueryPlatformLocationsAction - Class in jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement
This class represents the query-platform-locations action of the JADE-agent-management ontology.
QueryPlatformLocationsAction() - Constructor for class jade.domain.JADEAgentManagement.QueryPlatformLocationsAction
Default constructor.


readLine(Reader) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Read one line from the Reader.
readResolve() - Method in class
Restore parser after deserialization.
REAL_SENDER - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
User defined parameter key specifying the AID of the real sender of a message.
REATTACHED - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on a peripheral container when it re-attaches to a recovered Main Container (see the FaultRecoveryService)
receive() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue.
receive(MessageTemplate) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Receives an ACL message matching a given template.
receive(MessageTemplate) - Method in interface jade.core.MessageQueue
Return and remove the first message that matches the specified message template.
RECEIVE_CFP - Static variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
RECEIVE_PROPOSE - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
RECEIVE_REPLY - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
RECEIVEDMESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDMESSAGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDMESSAGE_RECEIVER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDMESSAGE_SENDER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
receivedMsgKey - Variable in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
RECEIVEDOBJECT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ReceivedObject - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the received-object object from the FIPA Agent Management ontology.
ReceivedObject() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ReceivedObject
The constructor initializes the date to current time and all the Strings to empty strings.
RECEIVEDOBJECT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_BY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_BY - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_DATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_DATE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_ID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_ID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_VIA - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
RECEIVEDOBJECT_VIA - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RECONNECTED - Static variable in interface jade.core.Service
Service independent incoming vertical command issued on a peripheral container when it reconnects to a new master Main Container (see the MainReplicationService)
ReflectiveIntrospector - Class in jade.content.onto
The default introspector for user defined ontologies that uses Java Reflection to translate java objects to/from abstract descriptors.
ReflectiveIntrospector() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.ReflectiveIntrospector
refresh() - Method in class jade.util.AccessControlList
Update this AccessControlList object reading again the white and black files.
refreshLocations() - Method in class jade.util.ClassFinder
Rescan the classpath, cacheing all possible file locations.
REFUSE - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
RefuseException - Exception in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class represents a generic RefuseException
RefuseException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.RefuseException
RefuseException(ACLMessage) - Constructor for exception jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.RefuseException
RegexFacet - Class in jade.content.schema.facets
This facet forces an AbsPrimitive to contain a specific set of values expressed as a regular expression.
RegexFacet(String) - Constructor for class jade.content.schema.facets.RegexFacet
Construct a PermittedValuesFacet that forces an AbsPrimitive to contain a specific set of values expressed as a regular expression
register(Agent, AID, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
Register a AMSAgentDescription with a AMS agent.
register(Agent, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
registers a AMSAgentDescription with the default AMS
register(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Register a new DF-Description with a DF agent.
register(Agent, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Registers a DFAgentDescription with the default DF
REGISTER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
Register - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the register action of the fipa-agent-management ontology.
Register() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Register
Default constructor.
register(SubscriptionResponder.Subscription) - Method in interface jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder.SubscriptionManager
Register a new Subscription object
REGISTER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
REGISTER_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Register
A string constant for the description slot name.
registerConversation() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Register a conversation creating a new unique ID.
registerConversation(String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ConversationList
Register a conversation with a given ID.
registerDefaultTransition(String, String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a default transition in the FSM defining the policy for children scheduling of this FSMBehaviour.
registerDefaultTransition(String, String, String[]) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a default transition in the FSM defining the policy for children scheduling of this FSMBehaviour.
registerFirstState(Behaviour, String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a Behaviour as the initial state of this FSMBehaviour.
registerHandleAcceptProposal(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ACCEPT_PROPOSAL state.
registerHandleAcceptProposal(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ACCEPT_PROPOSAL state.
registerHandleAcceptProposal(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ACCEPTANCE state.
registerHandleAgree(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_AGREE state.
registerHandleAgree(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_AGREE state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResponses(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESPONSES state.
registerHandleAllResultNotifications(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS state.
registerHandleAllResultNotifications(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS state.
registerHandleAllResultNotifications(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_ALL_RESULT_NOTIFICATIONS state.
registerHandleCancel(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_CANCEL state.
registerHandleCancel(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_CANCEL state.
registerHandleCfp(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_CFP state.
registerHandleCfp(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_PROPOSE state.
registerHandleConfirm(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_CONFIRM state.
registerHandleDisconfirm(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_DISCONFIRM state.
registerHandleInform(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_INFORM state.
registerHandleInform(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_INFORM state.
registerHandleInform(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REFUSE state.
registerHandleInform(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_INFORM state.
registerHandleInform(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_INFORM state.
registerHandleInform(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_INFORM state.
registerHandleNotUnderstood(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD state.
registerHandleOldResponse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_OLD_RESPONSE state.
registerHandleOutOfSequence(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_OUT_OF_SEQ state.
registerHandlePropose(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_PROPOSE state.
registerHandlePropose(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_PROPOSE state.
registerHandleQueryIf(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_QUERY_IF state.
registerHandler(Object, Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.states.HandlerSelector
Register the bounding between an handler and a key.
registerHandleRefuse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REFUSE state.
registerHandleRefuse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REFUSE state.
registerHandleRefuse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REFUSE state.
registerHandleRejectProposal(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REJECT_PROPOSAL state.
registerHandleRejectProposal(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REJECT_PROPOSAL state.
registerHandleRejectProposal(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REJECT state.
registerHandleRequest(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REQUEST state.
registerHandleRequest(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_REQUEST state.
registerHandleSubscription(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the HANDLE_SUBSCRIPTION state.
registerLanguage(Codec) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Registers a Codec for a given content language with its default name (i.e.
registerLanguage(Codec, String) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Registers a Codec for a given content language with a given name.
registerLastState(Behaviour, String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a Behaviour as a final state of this FSMBehaviour.
registerO2AInterface(Class<T>, T) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Registers an implementation for a given O2A interface.
registerOntology(Ontology) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Registers an Ontology with its default name (i.e.
registerOntology(Ontology, String) - Method in class jade.content.ContentManager
Registers an Ontology with a given name.
registerPrepareCfps(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
This method allows to register a user-defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_CFPS state.
registerPrepareCfps(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
This method allows to register a user-defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_CFPS state.
registerPrepareProposals(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
This method allows to register a user-defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_ACCEPTANCES state.
registerPrepareQueryIfs(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
This method allows to register a user-defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_QUERYIFS state.
registerPrepareRequests(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_REQUESTS state.
registerPrepareResponse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
Use registerHandleRequest() instead.
registerPrepareResponse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Use registerHandleCfp() instead.
registerPrepareResponse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_RESPONSE state.
registerPrepareResponse(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Use registerHandleSubscription() instead.
registerPrepareResultNotification(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_RESULT_NOTIFICATION state.
registerPrepareResultNotification(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
Use registerHandleAcceptProposal() instead.
registerPrepareSubscriptions(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
This method allows to register a user defined Behaviour in the PREPARE_SUBSCRIPTIONS state.
registerState(Behaviour, String) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a Behaviour as a state of this FSMBehaviour.
registerTransition(String, String, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a transition in the FSM defining the policy for children scheduling of this FSMBehaviour.
registerTransition(String, String, int, String[]) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Register a transition in the FSM defining the policy for children scheduling of this FSMBehaviour.
reinit() - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
reset this behaviour
reinit() - Method in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
REINIT - Static variable in class jade.proto.IteratedAchieveREInitiator
reinit() - Method in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
Re-initialize the internal state without performing a complete reset.
reinit() - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
REJECT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
REJECT_PROPOSAL_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SSContractNetResponder
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last received REJECT_PROPOSAL ACLMessage
releaseCommand(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayAgent
notify that the command has been processed and remove the command from the queue
releaseCommand(Object) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayBehaviour
notify that the command has been processed and remove the command from the queue
releaseLocalAgent(AID) - Method in interface jade.core.AgentContainer
REMOTE_CONFIG_HOST_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
REMOTE_CONFIG_PORT_KEY - Static variable in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
REMOTE_SERVICE_MANAGER_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constant is the name of the property whose value contains the list of addresses through which the platform Service Manager can be reached.
remove(int) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Removes the element at the given position from this aggregate.
remove(AbsTerm) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsAggregate
Removes an element from this aggregate.
remove(int) - Method in class jade.content.abs.AbsContentElementList
Removes the element at the given position from this content element list.
remove(int) - Method in class jade.content.ContentElementList
Removes the element at the given position from this content element list.
remove(int) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
remove(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.ArrayList
remove(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Collection
Removes one instance of the specified element.
remove() - Method in class jade.util.leap.EmptyIterator
Remove the element pointed to by this iterator from the collection.
remove() - Method in class jade.util.leap.EnumIterator
Remove the element pointed to by this iterator.
remove(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashMap
remove(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
remove(int) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
remove(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
remove(int) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.List
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(Object) - Method in interface jade.util.leap.Map
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Removes the first occurrence of the specified element in this list and updates the pointer to the current element.
remove(Object) - Method in class jade.util.leap.SortedSetImpl
removeAddresses(String) - Method in class jade.core.AID
To remove a transport address.
removeAddresses(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APService
Remove a service from the addresses slot collection of this object.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class jade.util.leap.HashSet
removeAPServices(APService) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.APDescription
Remove a service from the ap-services slot collection of this object.
removeBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method removes a given behaviour from the agent.
REMOVEDBEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
REMOVEDBEHAVIOUR_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
REMOVEDBEHAVIOUR_BEHAVIOUR - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
REMOVEDCONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RemovedContainer - Class in jade.domain.introspection
An introspection event, recording the removal of an agent container within the platform.
RemovedContainer() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedContainer
Default constructor.
REMOVEDCONTAINER_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
REMOVEDMTP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RemovedMTP - Class in jade.domain.introspection
An introspection event, recording the removal of an MTP within the platform.
RemovedMTP() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.RemovedMTP
Default constructor.
REMOVEDMTP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
REMOVEDMTP_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
removeFirst() - Method in class jade.util.leap.LinkedList
Removes and returns the first element from this list.
removeHandler(SAMInfoHandler) - Method in interface jade.core.sam.SAMHelper
Remove a handler for SAM information collected in the Main Container.
removeIntendedReceiver(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Remove an agent identifier from the intended-receiver slot collection of this object.
removeLanguages(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove a content language name from the languages slot collection of this object.
removeLanguages(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove a content language name from the languages slot collection of this object.
removeListener(FEListener) - Static method in class jade.core.MicroRuntime
Remove a listener to Front-End relevant events BORN_AGENT and DEAD_AGENT
NOT available in MIDP
removeListener(GatewayListener) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.DynamicJadeGateway
removeListener(GatewayListener) - Method in class jade.wrapper.gateway.JadeGateway
removeOntologies(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove an ontology name from the ontologies slot collection of this object.
removeOntologies(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove an ontology name from the ontologies slot collection of this object.
removeParam(Object) - Method in class jade.core.GenericCommand
Remove a parameter from this command object.
removeParent(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.df
this method can be used to remove a parent (a DF with which this DF is federated).
removePerformativeRequiringReply(int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.OntologyServer
removePlatformListener(PlatformController.Listener) - Method in class jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
removePlatformListener(PlatformController.Listener) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Remove a platform listener.
removeProperties(Property) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Remove a property from the properties slot collection of this object.
removeProperties(Property) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove a property from the properties slot collection of this object.
removeProtocols(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove a protocol name from the protocols slot collection of this object.
removeProtocols(String) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Remove a protocol name from the protocols slot collection of this object.
removeReceiver(AID) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Removes a value from :receiver slot.
removeReplyTo(AID) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Removes a value from :reply_to slot.
removeResolvers(AID) - Method in class jade.core.AID
To remove a resolver.
removeServices(ServiceDescription) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.DFAgentDescription
Remove a service description from the services slot collection of this object.
removeSubBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Remove a sub behaviour from this ParallelBehaviour
removeSubBehaviour(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Remove a sub behaviour from this SequentialBehaviour
removeTo(AID) - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Envelope
Remove an agent identifier from the to slot collection of this object.
removeUserDefinedParameter(String) - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Removes the key and its corresponding value from the list of user defined parameters in this ACLMessage.
removeUserDefinedSlot(String) - Method in class jade.core.AID
To remove a user defined slot.
renameKey(String, String) - Method in class jade.util.ExtendedProperties
Change key string associated with existing value.
renewSearchId() - Method in class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.SearchConstraints
Regenerate the value of search_id as a globally unique identifier.
reply(ACLMessage, int) - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SubscriptionInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh0Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh1Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.TwoPh2Initiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last ACLMessage object that has been received (null if the timeout expired).
ReplySender - Class in jade.proto.states
This behaviour sends a reply to a given message adjusting all protocol fields and receivers.
ReplySender(Agent, String, String, DataStore) - Constructor for class jade.proto.states.ReplySender
ReplySender(Agent, String, String) - Constructor for class jade.proto.states.ReplySender
REQUEST - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
REQUEST_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREInitiator
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object passed in the constructor of the class.
REQUEST_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent by the initiator.
REQUEST_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
key to retrive from the datastore the ACLMessage passed in the constructor
REQUEST_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
REQUEST_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
Key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the last received REQUEST ACLMessage
REQUEST_SENT_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
key to retrive from the datastore the ACLMessage that has been sent.
REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
REQUEST_WHENEVER - Static variable in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
constant identifying the FIPA performative
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Restores behaviour initial state.
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
Puts a CompositeBehaviour back in initial state.
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Put this FSMBehaviour back in the initial condition.
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Resets this behaviour.
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SimpleBehaviour
Resets a SimpleBehaviour.
reset(long) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
This method must be called to reset the behaviour and starts again
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.TickerBehaviour
This method must be called to reset the behaviour and starts again
reset(Date) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
This method must be called to reset the behaviour and starts again
reset(long) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
This method must be called to reset the behaviour and starts again
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WakerBehaviour
This method must be called to reset the behaviour and starts again
reset() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.WrapperBehaviour
reset() - Method in class jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage
Resets all the message slots.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
Reset this behaviour using the same MessageTemplate.
reset(MessageTemplate) - Method in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
This method allows to change the MessageTemplate that defines what messages this FIPARequestResponder will react to and reset the protocol.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
reset this behaviour by putting a null ACLMessage as message to be sent
reset(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
reset this behaviour
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
Reset this behaviour.
reset(MessageTemplate) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
This method allows to change the MessageTemplate that defines what messages this ProposeResponder will react to and reset the protocol.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method resets this behaviour so that it restarts from the initial state of the protocol with a null message.
reset(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
This method resets this behaviour so that it restarts the protocol with another request message.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
Reset this behaviour using the same MessageTemplate.
reset(MessageTemplate) - Method in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
This method allows to change the MessageTemplate that defines what messages this FIPARequestResponder will react to and reset the protocol.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
Reset this protocol behaviour
reset(MessageTemplate, long, DataStore, Object) - Method in class jade.proto.states.MsgReceiver
Reset this behaviour, possibly replacing the receive templatt and other data.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
Reset this behaviour
reset(MessageTemplate) - Method in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
This method resets the protocol and allows to change the MessageTemplate that defines what messages this SubscriptionResponder will react to.
reset() - Method in class jade.proto.TwoPhResponder
reset() - Method in class jade.util.Event
Reset the status of this Event
resetChildren() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
ResetEvents - Class in jade.domain.introspection
This class represents the meta-reset-events concept in the jade-introspection ontology.
ResetEvents() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.ResetEvents
Default constructor.
resetProcessed() - Method in class jade.util.Event
Use reset() instead
resetStates(String[]) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Reset the children behaviours registered in the states indicated in the states parameter.
resolveNumericValue(Object, Class) - Static method in class jade.content.onto.BasicOntology
Use adjustPrimitiveValue() instead
ResourceManagementHelper - Interface in jade.core.resource
The ResourceManagementHelper provides methods that allows to access resources available on the main or other containers.
RESPONSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent as a response to the initiator.
RESPONSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
RESPONSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent as a response to the initiator.
RESPONSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
RESPONSE_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SubscriptionResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent as a response to the initiator.
restart() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Restarts a blocked behaviour.
restore(InputStream) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
This method reads a previously saved agent, replacing the current state of this agent with the one previously saved.
restoreBufferedState() - Method in class jade.core.Agent
RESULT - Static variable in interface
Result - Annotation Type in jade.content.onto.annotations
Identifies the result slot of an AgentAction.
Result - Class in jade.content.onto.basic
This class implements the result operator of the FIPA SL0 action.
Result() - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Result
Result(Concept, Object) - Constructor for class jade.content.onto.basic.Result
result - Variable in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
RESULT_ACTION - Static variable in interface
RESULT_ITEMS - Static variable in interface
Use RESULT_VALUE instead
RESULT_NOTIFICATION_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.AchieveREResponder
key to retrieve from the DataStore of the behaviour the ACLMessage object sent as a result notification to the initiator.
RESULT_NOTIFICATION_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.ContractNetResponder
RESULT_NOTIFICATION_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder
RESULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface
resume(Behaviour) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ThreadedBehaviourFactory
Resume a threaded behaviour.
resume() - Method in class jade.wrapper.AgentContainer
resume() - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController
Activate the agent platform.
RESUMED_PLATFORM - Static variable in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformEvent
String constant for the name of the resumed-platform event.
RESUMEDAGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ResumedAgent - Class in jade.domain.introspection
An introspection event, recording the resumption of a formerly suspended agent within the platform.
ResumedAgent() - Constructor for class jade.domain.introspection.ResumedAgent
Default constructor.
RESUMEDAGENT_AGENT - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
RESUMEDAGENT_WHERE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
resumedPlatform(PlatformEvent) - Method in interface jade.wrapper.PlatformController.Listener
Called when the platform is activated.
retrieveActor() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ActionExecutor
RMI_IMTP - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
root() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour
Returns the root for this Behaviour object.
RoundList - Class in jade.util.leap
Implementation of a RoundList with get/insert methods relative to the current element
RoundList() - Constructor for class jade.util.leap.RoundList
Default constructor.
ROUTEDMESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ROUTEDMESSAGE_FROM - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ROUTEDMESSAGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
ROUTEDMESSAGE_TO - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
run() - Method in class jade.AppletBoot
Runtime - Class in jade.core
The singleton instance (accessible through the instance() static method) of this class allows controlling the JADE runtime system from an external application.


SAM_INFO_HANDLERS - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
SAM_INFO_HANDLERS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jade.core.sam.SAMService
SAMHelper - Interface in jade.core.sam
Helper interface for the System Activity Monitoring (SAM) Service.
SAMInfo - Class in jade.core.sam
An instance of this class is passed to all configured SAMInfoHandler-s at each polling time and groups together all information collected by the SAM Service at that polling time.
SAMInfo.AggregationInfo - Class in jade.core.sam
Inner class AggregationInfo
SAMInfoHandler - Interface in jade.core.sam
The interface to be implemented by classes that can be used to handle SAM information collected by the SAM Service.
SAMProxy - Class in jade.core.sam
SAMProxy() - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.SAMProxy
SAMService - Class in jade.core.sam
JADE Kernel service supporting System Activity Monitoring (SAM).
SAMService() - Constructor for class jade.core.sam.SAMService
SAMSlice - Interface in jade.core.sam
scheduleFirst() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
This method schedules the first child to be executed
scheduleFirst() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
Prepare the first child for execution.
scheduleFirst() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
Prepare the first child for execution
scheduleFirst() - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Prepare the first child for execution
scheduleNext(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.CompositeBehaviour
This method schedules the next child to be executed
scheduleNext(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.FSMBehaviour
This method schedules the next child to be executed.
scheduleNext(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.ParallelBehaviour
This method schedules children behaviours one at a time, in a round robin fashion.
scheduleNext(boolean, int) - Method in class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Sequential policy for children scheduling.
search(Agent, AID, AMSAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
Searches for data contained within a AMS agent.
search(Agent, AMSAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
searches with the default AMS
search(Agent, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
searches with the default AMS and the default SearchConstraints.
search(Agent, AID, AMSAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.AMSService
searches with the passed AMS by using the default SearchConstraints.
search(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Searches for data contained within a DF agent.
search(Agent, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
The default DF is used.
search(Agent, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
The default DF is used.
search(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
The default SearchConstraints are used.
SEARCH - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
Search - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class implements the search action of the fipa-agent-management ontology.
Search() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.Search
Default constructor.
SEARCH_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SEARCH_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SEARCHCONSTRAINTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SearchConstraints - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class models a search constraint.
SearchConstraints() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.SearchConstraints
Default constructor.
SEARCHCONSTRAINTS_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SEARCHCONSTRAINTS_MAX_RESULTS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SEARCHCONSTRAINTS_SEARCH_ID - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
searchUntilFound(Agent, AID, DFAgentDescription, SearchConstraints, long) - Static method in class jade.domain.DFService
Searches the DF and remains blocked until a result is found or the specified timeout has expired.
SECOND_REPLY_KEY - Variable in class jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREInitiator
key to retrive the second reply received.
SELECTION_NOK - Static variable in class jade.proto.states.HandlerSelector
Value returned by onEnd method if no handler was found mapped to the key
SELECTION_OK - Static variable in class jade.proto.states.HandlerSelector
Value returned by onEnd method if an handler was found mapped to the key
send(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.core.Agent
Send an ACL message to another agent.
SEND_INITIATIONS - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
SEND_RESPONSE - Static variable in class jade.proto.ProposeResponder
sendAgree(ACLMessage) - Method in class jade.proto.SSIteratedAchieveREResponder
Utility method to send an optional AGREE message back to the initiator ensuring that all protocol fields are properly set.
sendInitiations(Vector) - Method in class jade.proto.ProposeInitiator
Create and initialize the Sessions and sends the initiation messages.
SENTMESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
SENTMESSAGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
SENTMESSAGE_RECEIVER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
SENTMESSAGE_SENDER - Static variable in interface jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionVocabulary
SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface
SequentialBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Composite behaviour with sequential children scheduling.
SequentialBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
Default constructor.
SequentialBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.SequentialBehaviour
This constructor sets the owner agent for this behaviour.
SerialBehaviour - Class in jade.core.behaviours
Base class for all composite behaviour whose children run serially, i.e. the composite behaviour is blocked if and only if its current child is blocked.
SerialBehaviour() - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.SerialBehaviour
Create a new SerialBehaviour object, without setting the owner agent.
SerialBehaviour(Agent) - Constructor for class jade.core.behaviours.SerialBehaviour
Create a new SerialBehaviour object and set the owner agent.
SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.SerializableOntology
Serializable - Interface in jade.util.leap
The LEAP (environment-dependent) version of the &qote;; interface.
SERIALIZABLE_VALUE - Static variable in class jade.content.onto.SerializableOntology
SerializableOntology - Class in jade.content.onto
This ontology allows dealing with Java Serializable objects as if they were instances of ontological elements.
serializeACL(ACLMessage, DataOutputStream) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
serializeAID(AID, DataOutputStream) - Static method in class jade.lang.acl.LEAPACLCodec
serve(HorizontalCommand) - Method in interface jade.core.Service.Slice
Serves an incoming horizontal command, performing any required immediate processing, before turning it into a vertical command to be processed by the incoming filter chain.
serve(HorizontalCommand) - Method in class jade.core.SliceProxy
Try to serve an incoming horizontal command, routing it to a remote slice implementation.
serveGetKeys(ACLMessage, Action, GetKeys) - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
serveGetValue(ACLMessage, Action, GetValue) - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
serveUnknownAction(ACLMessage, Action, Object) - Method in class jade.domain.introspection.IntrospectionServer
Service - Interface in jade.core
The Service interface represents a centralized view of a JADE kernel-level service.
Service.Slice - Interface in jade.core
The Slice nested interface represents that part of a service that is deployed at a given network node.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.core.resource.ResourceManagementHelper
Name of the service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.core.sam.SAMHelper
SERVICEDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ServiceDescription - Class in jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement
This class models a service data type.
ServiceDescription() - Constructor for class jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.ServiceDescription
Default constructor.
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_LANGUAGES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_NAME - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_ONTOLOGIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_OWNERSHIP - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
SERVICEDESCRIPTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface jade.domain.FIPAAgentManagement.FIPAManagementVocabulary
ServiceException - Exception in jade.core
Generic exception thrown by JADE kernel level services.
ServiceException() - Constructor for exception jade.core.ServiceException
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.core.ServiceException
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jade.core.ServiceException
ServiceFinder - Interface in jade.core
The ServiceFinder interface serves as an access point for kernel-level service discovery.
ServiceHelper - Interface in jade.core
This interface is implemented by all the service helper classes, i.e.
ServiceNotActiveException - Exception in jade.core
This exception is thrown when trying to access a JADE kernel level service that is not installed in the local node.
ServiceNotActiveException(String) - Constructor for exception jade.core.ServiceNotActiveException
SERVICES - Static variable in class jade.core.Profile
This constants is the name of the property whose value contains the list of kernel-level services that have to be launched at bootstrap time